Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Unexpected Surprises‏

From 7/21/15

To All I Love,

A "temporary" exchange assignment for the
day. We didn't know we were dressed the
same until we showed up on the Square!
Hahaha - well I don't even know where to begin! This past week has been INSANE in many different aspects but some of the neatest experiences of my mission. It's interesting how the older you get into the mission the more your heart becomes connected to the work. Being on the Lord's errand is such a sweet blessing. It's interesting because I don't have a deep desire to go home.   Seeing the way these people grasp the Gospel is special and I'm grateful for the 6 1/2 months I still have left to do this work. Well, shall I begin with what has been happening here on Temple Square? I think I should.
Week of Exchanges:
I don't even know how to title this paragraph so I will think of it later. As I mentioned above, this past week has been insane. Being a District Leader is a lot of work and you learn to balance the time you are given. At the start of the transfer we have the opportunity to go on exchanges with EVERY Sister in the District. They like us to be done by Week 3 - so by this week. But when we go on exchanges with them we need to make sure we have a balance of time with them on the Square, at a Desk Assignment, Beehive House, Studies, Planning and in the Teaching Center. Which means when we plan for exchanges we have to really study each Sisters Schedule and plan a time when its most appropriate for them, it takes time. Sister Chazen and I have spent a good 45 minutes figuring out our plan for each sister and when we would go on exchanges and what we would like to focus on to help them fulfill their potential. Due to meetings and P-Day we were unable to start till last Wednesday. Can I just say exchanges with Sister Sami were probably the 12 most funniest hours of my life!! Just picture a tall, thin, Indian from Fiji with A LOT of energy running around EVERYWHERE with me tagging along. I don't know how she does it. She is powerful though and is a missionary who doesn't hide her personality. When we were taking tours in the Beehive House she was just so full of life, it really livened the guests on the tour. At the start she would always be asked, "Now where are you from?" Her reply... "HEAVENNNNNN!" The guests face would just be confused, then Sis Sami would say, "Well, aren't we all from Heaven? I'm from Heaven on Earth - Fiji, which is a piece of Heaven for me." The guests would then just start cracking up and then we would begin the tour. Hahaha - I'm grateful she is in my district. We will go on 24 hours exchanges with the entire district later on for follow-up exchanges, spending 24 hours with her will be 24 unforgettable hours I'm sure. We've been on exchanges with multiple other Sisters so far and its amazing how much you're able to learn. Sister Eging, Sister Sughroue's companion, is a powerhouse when it comes to the Book of Mormon. I haven't seen a missionary as bold as she is when it comes to teaching and testifying about the Book of Mormon. This morning we were on temporary exchanges, will explain later, and I over hear her just start testifying and inviting this family to read it and then asked if they would like to stay in contact and read it. They kindly declined the offer but for being only 2 weeks into the mission field that is a great start! Most missionaries are PETRIFIED to be that bold. I love it!!! But it comes down to your testimony. If you truly have a testimony and are converted to something you wont be afraid to teach and testify of it. It says a lot about her true conversion to the Book of Mormon and how it truly does change our lives.

A Day of Caring for the Sick and Afflicted:

Sisters from the MTC for their visit on
Temple Square before they are assigned
to the Square
Yesterday (Mon. 7/20/15) was a literal adventure within itself. Part of the responsibility of being a District Leader is caring for the Spiritual, PHYSICAL, Mental and Emotional needs of the sisters. Well, yesterday the physical part was the priority. It all started with SUNDAY. I woke up not feeling a 100% and so part of the day was spent in the loft taking it easy to make sure I would be good for the week. Sis. Sughroue, at this point, was already sick. We didn't know what it was. The funny part is the 2 of us were scheduled to go on exchanges together. We did go on exchanges but not to the extent we were supposed to. The purpose of exchanges was far from being fulfilled. Anyways, now we get to go on exchanges again! Haha - then yesterday morning arrives. Sis. Sughroue calls, almost in tears, saying that she didn't sleep at all and that her throat is just completely swollen. After talking to the Zone Leaders we decided that I was going to be on exchanges with her to take her to her Doctors appointment later, and her companion would go with my companion. We had other sick sisters in the Zone so the Zone leaders were already planning on going on exchanges with them. Not even 15 minutes later I receive another phone call. This time from Sis. Sami. She mentioned that she was in complete pain, her stomach hurt and she didn't sleep at all. I'm like "Great. Half of my District is sick." And to top it off my companion woke up with really bad cramps. Let's just say I felt hopeless. The conclusion was made that Sis. Sami and Sughroue would be together till 12 when I would come back with one of the Zone Leaders and pick Sis. Sughroue up. Sis. Chazen, after she felt better, left our apartment and walked 15 minutes to where Sis. Sughroue and Sami lived to pick up their companions. Let's just say I haven't seen either sister act the way they did. Long story short, I came back to get Sis. Sughroue and after being at the doctors for an hour she was told she is not allowed to work for a week. She is to stay at home and isn't allowed to be on the Square, period! The doctor thinks it maybe a bacterial infection on the side of her mouth. When I overheard the doctor saying everything to the nurses it just broke my heart. They talked to me and then allowed me to go and see her in the room. I felt so bad for her. She was lying on the table just crying because she is training and now she has been told she can't work for one week. And with all of it she had a 102 fever, blood drawn and other things done. I felt so bad for her. We went and talked to Sister Poulsen (Mission Pres. wife) after the appointment and as I was explaining everything Sis. Poulsen was just shocked. I don't think she was expecting that. It was really special because President Poulsen and another Priesthood holder came in to offer her a blessing and then I took her back home before I went off to run errands for them. After we took her home the other Sister who was there (Sis. Mahoney) and I went on exchanges to go do all of the shopping for them (medicine, food etc). I would say it was about 3 P.M. at this point when I realized I hadn't eaten anything today. How I was working I have no idea. I just know at this point I was literally being carried by the Atonement. After an hour of running to about 6 different places we were able to get back to get everything settled for them etc. It was INSANE yesterday! I didn't get on the square and start working till 5 P.M. last night and even then things were hectic. It was a very special time though. Having this time to just serve these sisters and not worrying about your own tedious worries is special. It's a feeling you can't get anywhere else. When you are given an opportunity to serve and you do it with the right desire and a willing heart you are only serving your Father in Heaven. We are in a time when it's easier to just focus on ME when reality is Christ never focused on himself. If we are to become true followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ then it comes with learning how to sacrifice our own needs to serve those who are truly in need. I'm FAR from having this mastered. I far too easily think about myself. But as we are more and more willing to sacrifice our selfish desires for the desires of others we will see mighty miracles occur. Yesterday was a very special day. It was long and very tiring but it was rewarding in its own way. Sis Sughroue and Sami are still sick but are doing better. Something is going around the mission right now. It's like a Temple Square Epidemic. Haha - it's not uncommon, we just haven't had one for a little bit. Today Sis. Sughroue called me and said, "Sister Skaggs. What do I do? Sis. Sami and I need to leave to email but my apartment has become the hospital. I have TWO more sick sisters here in my apartment." When one goes down we all fall down! But its just a time to serve and work a little bit harder.

Sister Skaggs and Sister Martinez
The Work of the Ministry:
Liberia is just flourishing! One person I STRONGLY DISLIKE is Satan! He really knows how to get people. As we are getting closer to the baptism for each of them (Morou, Cyrus, Darius, Gaiduwo, Patricia, Anthony, Jimmy, Opi, Papaye, Moses) Satan is getting more creative with how he will take each of them down with him. But one thing we have is the Power and Authority to teach this Gospel. As we use our authority and power to its fullest we will not let him take any of them down. Over these past couple of days as I have talked with them different random things have occurred that throw a curve ball into them getting baptized. Whether it be repentance issues, network connections, etc. It's really frustrating. I talked with President Harmon yesterday and he mentioned that they are still planning on the second week in August! We voiced our concerns to him yesterday and he said, "A problem you have is most of us in Liberia don't read or write"!!! Hmmmm yah that's a BIG problem! But we WILL find a way to conquer the hurdle. We mentioned to him about their varying concerns and he is planning on attending the investigator class Sunday, and together him, the Branch Mission Leader and the Branch Missionaries will talk to each of them and will figure out ways they can help each of them so they can prepare to be baptized. It's heartbreaking, very heartbreaking to witness each of them go through this. Sister Chazen and I are motivated by this, to work even harder. This is a trial of our faith. We know for a surety that as we exercise our authority and power to teach them, as we faithfully and diligently pray everyday for them and as we teach them to the best of our ability that they will each be baptized. On multiple occasions they just say, "Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate this, I want to be baptized so much! Thank you Sista Skaggs and Sista Chazen." This is the work of the Lord and as we do all that we can we will be able to see the work progress. But we must first and foremost use the Lord in all aspects of our work.
Hahahaha I almost forgot to mention that I hit my YEAR MARK in the mission last Thursday!! Can you believe it!!! I'm now down to just 6 1/2 months left. Hoping Feb. 3rd comes SUPER SLOW!! Its amazing to think that I have been a missionary for over a year now. When guests ask how long we have been out we say over or under a year and now I have to say over a year! So depressing. I remember when Sis. Ferguson, my follow up trainer, hit her year mark. I was like "wowww she is so old now. Haha - she goes home like tomorrow." Haha - I'm in her shoes now but just this time I feel super young and I tell myself I still have another year left on the mission so it's all good ;).

It's a blessing to be a missionary at this time. To see the work progress and to be apart of such a marvelous thing is special. I know for a surety this work is true! We are each blessed to have the restored gospel back on the earth today. Great things are happening! I'm grateful for this time to be in the Lord's service and to be apart of this work! I love you each so much!!
Love you all!!!
Sister Skaggs

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