From Aug 4th
To All I Love,

This past week wasn't as crazy and hectic as the previous two weeks have been. It has been more mellow which is the way I like it because I can focus on my primary call as a missionary. But needless to say things are going well despite the crazy moments that occur here and there. One thing I have learned and continue to learn is that the Lord does provide!
Happy Birthday Dad!!:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I apologize for not emailing you last week, when it was your birthday. On your Birthday I remembered that I didn't write you and I'm so sorry about that! But know I was thinking about you and I hope you had a marvelous birthday! I feel so incredibly blessed to have you as my popsaroonious! To know that I have a father who is always by my side, who is supportive, encouraging, diligent, hard working, and most importantly loves his Father in Heaven, means the world to me. Dad, know that I love you so much and I'm eternally grateful to have had you as an example. Growing up I would always watch how you put the Lord first in all that you did. If there was a school event you needed to attend or an important church meeting, you put the Lord first. It allowed me to see and observe what is to be our top priorities in life. First, its our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ and the Gospel, then our Families, and everything else just follows in pursuit. Dad, you taught by example. You showed me what I must do with my own life and what I want in my future through living by example. It is through how you and mom together learned and practiced the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has set my sure foundation. I was talking with a lady on the Square today about how her great nephew isn't a member of the Church because of a simple choice her niece made to do other things. We commented about how crucial it is to teach and to raise our children with a firm foundation in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We both noted that it starts when they are just born. To establish that principle of righteous Gospel living at the start of their life. As that pattern is established it allows us, as children, to recognize our purpose here on earth and to know what we must do to gain that end goal in mind. The end goal being Eternal Life. I know I haven't been the perfect daughter. I'm sure you and mom wanted to pull your hair out at times, especially during the teenage years, but know that even when I was being my snotty and sometimes snobby self I knew what was and needed to be my foundation. It has been because of what you together taught and established within me at such a young age that I have the testimony I have today. I'm grateful to have a testimony of it. During the hardest point on

my mission, not just here but life in general, that's what has gotten me through. I know who I am and I know where I am going. I'm a Daughter of God and I do have a Father in Heaven who knows and loves me by name. Dad, I love you and am grateful to call you my dad or my popsaroonious! I hope you had a wonderful Birthday and know your little girl was thinking of you all the way here on Temple Square! Love you Dad!!!! :)
The Lord Makes Up the Difference:

With so much of my attention span focused on the needs of the District it forces us to really use the precious time we have more wisely when it comes to teaching our Investigators. Amazing MIRACLES do occur when we do what the Lord has asked us to do. Do to our limited Teaching Center time and the fact we have been so busy with sisters and meetings etc. we haven't had the opportunity to really teach our investigators in Liberia. However, on Sunday we were talking with the Branch President about how things were going and if the Baptism is still scheduled to take place this Saturday. Since we haven't been in touch with them as frequently as we should be I was a little on edge hearing how they each were doing. The Branch President informed us that they are doing well. It's frustrating though because Satan has really been going to town on a lot of people that the District is working with and even though a decent amount of our investigators will be baptized it saddens us for those who won't be baptized for varying reasons. That is how Satan works though. That is how the plan works. It comes through being tested and if we will do all that we can to overcome the temptations that we will encounter and if we will do all that Lord requires of us. Between talking with the Branch President (President Harmon) and getting in touch with our investigators they are each at different levels.
Morou - We haven't been able to get in touch with him. His wife is having a lot of stomach problems that is causing her to have to go to the hospital. When we talked with her on Sunday she mentioned that she would be going to the hospital on Monday so yesterday. President Harmon made several brief comments to us and it doesn't sound like Morou will be baptized this time. It literally breaks my heart. But it comes down to the way we live our life and how we are applying these Gospel Principles to our everyday lives, if we are making those necessary changes for us to gain Eternal Salvation. But I know that someday he will be baptized. As the spirit continues to work through him he will be prepared to make that sacred covenant with his Father in Heaven through entering the waters of Baptism.
Cyrus - His story breaks my heart. At the same time it reminds me of the Atonement and how real the Atonement can be if we open the gift that has been given to us and actually use that gift. Cyrus for the past several months has been living with his Uncle, which is how he was introduced to the Church. He has been faithfully attending ever since then and has a deep desire to be baptized. About 2 weeks ago we gave him a call and he mentioned that he moved back home about a 6-9 hour drive from Kakata. As we were talking to him he mentioned that certain things occurred and due to those simple choices he has been set back to his home. Due to the accent I didn't quite really understand what had happened. Later we were talking with President Harmon and he commented on the fact that certain things occurred (allegations) that he needs to get cleared. Cyrus has such a strong desire to be baptized and wants a way to be made which would enable him to be baptized. Between talking with him and President Harmon he can be baptized if he can get back to Kakata and get the allegations with his Uncle cleared up and have his interview. The Atonement is real for each and every one of us as we have the desire to unlock the blessings that come from the Atonement in each of our lives. We are sincerely praying that everything works out. President Harmon will give him a call either yesterday or today and see what he can do to help Cyrus so he can receive the blessings that come from being baptized.
Gaiduwo - She is okay. These past couple of weeks she hasn't been able to attend church because she has been out sick but she still has the desire to be baptized. We called her yesterday and she didn't have a clear understanding as to what The Book of Mormon is and so we are planning on reading it with her to help her recognize that The Book of Mormon is a set of scripture that has been given for each of us to know of the plan that God has established for us his children.

Patricia -
We, unfortunately, haven't been able to teach her for about 3 weeks because she has been gone. We talked to her good friend and he mentioned that her mother is very ill. Patricia is hoping to make it back to be baptized but it may not happen. We will see.
Opi - We haven't been able to teach him as much as we would like. President Harmon commented that he is ready to be baptized which is good to know. When we talked with President Harmon he voiced concerns or worries for pretty much each of them besides Opi. We will be giving him a call tomorrow. We just pray that the phone connection works. Lately the network has been bad again which causes problems when we are trying to teach our investigators in Africa.
We have several others that we are currently working with at the moment. As of now, we don't really know the final number as to who will be baptized this coming Saturday. On Friday we will give President Harmon a call and he will give us more of a final count. Right now they are expecting about 30 but it will depend on the interview with the Mission Presidency these next couple of days. Just thinking about what will happen is peaceful and exciting! Knowing that these precious children of God will get to make this covenant with their Father in Heaven is exciting! I would do anything to be there but I know that the Lord needs me here on Temple Square, which is okay too.

Last P-day we had the opportunity to help the Zone Leaders prepare for Zone Activity today which meant I needed to help drive them around the city to several various locations to help them see the different places that would be included for Zone Activity this transfer. One of our stops was the Salt Lake Cemetery. I can't wait to take you there family!! We just started driving around and were able to bump into a good chunk of the former prophets. It didn't help that we had like 10 mutual groups [church youth program] there with MAPS!! Gotta love maps. What would we do without them.
Oh and fun note, we were walking to email just now and we passed by the Temple and this lady stops us and says, "Would you take a picture of us?" As we are getting ready to take the picture we realize the lady who stopped us was Sister Bednar [the wife of one of the 12 Apostles]. I was completely calm but in my mind I'm like "What in the world is happening right now?" Some of her former friends from Arkansas were in town and so they got together. Hahaha - you never know who you will bump into. Sis Chazen remembered her because when they visited South Africa her brother was on the security team for the Bednars and while they were waiting to leave Sister Bednar, after most people had left, came and just talked with Sister Chazen for awhile. What a small world!
Friends from BYUi - I love these
guys!!! |
Well I gotta go. We have to go shopping before we have zone activity. Know that I love you each so much and feel blessed to have this gospel in my life! It's my eternal foundation. Someone made a comment to me the other day that has really stood out in my mind and I want to invite you to think about it, to ponder over how it applies to your life right now. Here is the comment: "I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ, if he suffered for me then why would I not suffer for him." I'm going to leave the interpretation of it to you. It caught me off guard but it's so true. If we are disciples of Jesus Christ then we are willing to go through WHATEVER the Lord puts into our path.
Love you! Hope you have a great week this week!!
Love Always,
Sister Skaggs
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