To All I Love,
Well this is the end to one of the greatest chapters I will ever write. But this chapter shapes every
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Saying goodbye.... |
How do you possibly sum up these past 18 months?! To be honest it is impossible.
50x17x31x7= How many visitors from Mainland China Each
When we were young we always loved to picture scenes in our head, right?
When we were young we always loved to picture scenes in our head, right?
Okay, so imagine it is a warm summer morning at about 8:30 AM. You walk onto Temple Square and you see about 50 people just snapping away pictures. Pictures of the Temple, of the flowers, of you. Why?? Well, you have blond hair and blue eyes. They are posing in front of the Assembly Hall and then 20 minutes later it's a ghost town. 3 hours later you see another 150 people in 3 separate groups of 50 walking around Temple Square. What does it look like? Well, pictures of the Temple, pictures of the flowers, pictures of you. Haha. Did I just say "you" again? Well, you read it of the ceiling, pictures with every missionary. It is a sight I truly can't describe.
Over these 18 months I have seen how our Father in Heaven does whatever he can to bring each of his children the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a key point. On an average summer day we will have about 15 Motorcoahes of 50 people within each one coming to Temple Square. Many think it's because they are here to see the Temple. But our Father in Heaven recognizes that the only way, as of now, the gospel will get into their hearts is through bringing them to the Gospel.
Okay, so imagine it is a warm summer morning at about 8:30 AM. You walk onto Temple Square and you see about 50 people just snapping away pictures. Pictures of the Temple, of the flowers, of you. Why?? Well, you have blond hair and blue eyes. They are posing in front of the Assembly Hall and then 20 minutes later it's a ghost town. 3 hours later you see another 150 people in 3 separate groups of 50 walking around Temple Square. What does it look like? Well, pictures of the Temple, pictures of the flowers, pictures of you. Haha. Did I just say "you" again? Well, you read it of the ceiling, pictures with every missionary. It is a sight I truly can't describe.
Over these 18 months I have seen how our Father in Heaven does whatever he can to bring each of his children the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a key point. On an average summer day we will have about 15 Motorcoahes of 50 people within each one coming to Temple Square. Many think it's because they are here to see the Temple. But our Father in Heaven recognizes that the only way, as of now, the gospel will get into their hearts is through bringing them to the Gospel.
Being able to witness how
the spirit will change a heart is sweet. I haven't seen a group of people so
curious about something that is so true. I have never in my life stood there
giving out 15-20 copies of the Book of Mormon before. Never in my life have I
stood on top of planter beds, in front of the Temple testifying to a group of 50
people at a time that families can be together forever. Testifying through the
spirit that the relationships we have developed and formed can be carried into
the life to come. That as a mother and father kneel across the altar in this
sacred place and as they make that sacred covenant together with their Father in
Heaven that they are sealing their family relationship for all eternity. To see
children of God so keyed in on these simple truths shows that in all corners of
the world the Lord is preparing the hearts of our fellow Brothers and Sisters.
This is a simple witness to me that the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in it's
complete fullness is back on earth today for each of us. Through this simple
knowledge we are able to bind our families not only here on earth but in the
life to come.
Acts of the Spirit Changes the Hearts of Man:
Now imagine you are torn between two things what do you do? How do you know which to choose?
The biggest key is to know and recognize the spirit. Spiritual
Sensitivity provides us with a remarkable end result, true eternal happiness or
I should say eternal joy.
Yesterday on Temple Square is a PERFECT example. Missionary work doesn't happen unless we, the instruments, have the spirit. Picture it being about 5:40 PM, the sun is setting, it's 30 degrees outside you're just walking around Temple Square and you're trying to decipher where you should go. On my mission I have really wanted to learn the language of the spirit. I felt a pull to go to the left towards the Reflection Pool but I was cold so I felt it would be appropriate to go inside to the people. I asked my companion, where should we go. She felt that we needed to go towards the conference center past the Reflection Pool. This is where we met Desirae and Jackson.
Desirae grew up a member of the church but no longer felt it was for her. Jackson is not a part of the Church and is ultimately Atheist. It was a really intense conversation, let's just put it that way. It wasn't too big of a problem. Towards the end as we were recognizing we weren't getting anywhere with Jackson I stopped and simply testified to them of the purpose of life. Where we came from. Why we were here in this life. Why we have a Savior and scriptures. As I concluded my personal witness we could see that Jackson's heart still hadn't softened. But we saw something different in the eyes of this Daughter of God. We know the spirit bore a witness to her of that truth she hadn't clearly been able to understand for many years.
When we act
upon the spirit and our hearts and minds are sensitive to the direction of the
spirit, we will get to witness how the Lord will use us imperfect individuals to
move mountains in his work. What will happen with Desirae we may never know.
But in that moment in between the Temple and the Reflection Pool as the Lord's
personal representatives, we witnessed the power that the spirit has on the
hearts of man. I know and can testify to you of my personal witness that when
we are worthy and heed the thoughts and impressions that come from the spirit we
will witness the hearts of our Father in Heaven's children change. That is a
simple truth I have come to know and treasure in my heart. We are nothing
without the spirit. It takes time, it takes faith, it takes prayer to recognize
and act upon the whisperings of the spirit. But as we, together, do so we will
get to witness how the Lord is using us as his disciples to hasten his work in
preparing our fellow brothers and sisters for his return once again to this
Calling All Corners of the World:
The measures the
Lord will take to get his message to every nook and cranny of the world. This
story takes place in a town called Ganta. I bet you have never heard of that
before. It actually is about a 7 hour drive from the closest church. But
nestled in this tiny city are at least 5 or 6 individuals who are desperately
seeking for the truth, who are treasuring up the words they find within the Book
of Mormon. Just yesterday we talked with two of God's children that live
there. Emmanuel and Cyrus. This story starts way back in May when we met
Cyrus. He was a member referral that we contacted who really wanted to be
baptized. Due to family troubles he had to move back to his home city. When we
would call him he would say, "Sister Skaggs, we have no missionaries. How can I
be baptized?" My response to him back in July was, "Cyrus, you have the key to
conversion, you have the Book of Mormon. As you read the Book of Mormon and
talk about it to people you will find those who are interested in reading it,
too. Read the Book of Mormon at school, in the park, in places where people
will be curious as to what you are reading. As you do so people will want to
know what it is." We told Cyrus that while the church isn't established there,
we will continue to call him and help him develop his testimony and that as he
meets people who are interested we would love to call them and share the gospel
with them. As people are ready and prepared we know someday the Lord will call
missionaries to Ganta to establish the church. Several months ago we called
Cyrus and he said that several people have been asking him questions about this
book and he has been able to explain to them what it is and how it goes with the
Bible and that we get to learn more of Jesus Christ. In the past 2 weeks he has
referred to us 2 more individuals to call and share this message
Yesterday we talked to Cyrus and he said, "My friend is here with
me he wants to learn more." We read the introduction [from the Book of Mormon]
but he is a little confused. Emmanuel is his name. We answered their questions
and read the first 3 paragraphs of the Book of Mormon, testifying to them of how
this book changes the lives of those that read it. We witnessed to them that
this book contains written revelations from prophets that used to live upon the
American Continent and how we can draw nearer to Jesus Christ as we read and
ponder its teachings. 45 minutes later we found ourselves inviting Emmanuel to
be baptized as he came to know the truthfulness of these things and concluded
with a prayer. This tiny town is in the far eastern corner of Liberia. I bear
my witness that the Lord does provide a way for each of us to receive the
Gospel. Emmanuel and Cyrus are living witnesses of how the Lord does so.
Because the church physically isn't there the Lord is able to use the means of
technology to establish his gospel into the hearts of the people that reside
These past 18 months have developed my faith of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know and bear my witness to you that he lives, he loves us and he is aware of us. The trials we individually face are there to strengthen our faith. As we turn to him we will see our faith in him grow in ways we didn't know, we will recognize who we truly are. Our Father in Heaven loves us. Through the power of prayer we can communicate with the one that loves us the most, the one who created us. Over these 18 months, my personal understanding of how the atonement of Jesus Christ applies to my life has been revealed. I've personally come to know the power I will receive to endure that which is put in my path. This is for each of us as we come unto Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in its fullness through a young boy, Joseph Smith. Evidence of this truth is held within the Book of Mormon. My favorite book, which has given direction, peace, hope and deeper understanding of my faith comes as I've pondered this book. I can go on for an eternity. But I bear to you my testimony of these truths! A testimony and witness of these truths are available to all who seek to experiment as we read in Alma 32:26-31. I invite you to read this passage, to ponder in your hearts a principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ you can experiment upon. I know you will come to know for yourself that this truly indeed is the true church of Jesus Christ once again restored for us so we may know the way to returning back home to our Father in Heaven again.
The Lord has changed who I am. The atonement of Jesus Christ can be applicable to each of us. The power a mission can have on us as we learn to submit our will to the father.
I leave you my personal testimony as I close this chapter in my life. A new chapter will begin on
Wednesday. But this
closing chapter has changed who I am. I have to go now. Know I love you and
feel blessed to have you in my life!!
I will see you Wednesday evening in San Diego!
Love Always,
Sister Skaggs
LDSBC class |
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LDSBC certificate - a class each Temple Square sister takes before leaving for home |
Acts of the Spirit Changes the Hearts of Man:
Now imagine you are torn between two things what do you do? How do you know which to choose?
Crazy email time pics |
Yesterday on Temple Square is a PERFECT example. Missionary work doesn't happen unless we, the instruments, have the spirit. Picture it being about 5:40 PM, the sun is setting, it's 30 degrees outside you're just walking around Temple Square and you're trying to decipher where you should go. On my mission I have really wanted to learn the language of the spirit. I felt a pull to go to the left towards the Reflection Pool but I was cold so I felt it would be appropriate to go inside to the people. I asked my companion, where should we go. She felt that we needed to go towards the conference center past the Reflection Pool. This is where we met Desirae and Jackson.
Desirae grew up a member of the church but no longer felt it was for her. Jackson is not a part of the Church and is ultimately Atheist. It was a really intense conversation, let's just put it that way. It wasn't too big of a problem. Towards the end as we were recognizing we weren't getting anywhere with Jackson I stopped and simply testified to them of the purpose of life. Where we came from. Why we were here in this life. Why we have a Savior and scriptures. As I concluded my personal witness we could see that Jackson's heart still hadn't softened. But we saw something different in the eyes of this Daughter of God. We know the spirit bore a witness to her of that truth she hadn't clearly been able to understand for many years.
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A day in the life..... |
Calling All Corners of the World:
Another random e-mail pic |
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On exchanges with Sister Carvalho |
These past 18 months have developed my faith of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know and bear my witness to you that he lives, he loves us and he is aware of us. The trials we individually face are there to strengthen our faith. As we turn to him we will see our faith in him grow in ways we didn't know, we will recognize who we truly are. Our Father in Heaven loves us. Through the power of prayer we can communicate with the one that loves us the most, the one who created us. Over these 18 months, my personal understanding of how the atonement of Jesus Christ applies to my life has been revealed. I've personally come to know the power I will receive to endure that which is put in my path. This is for each of us as we come unto Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in its fullness through a young boy, Joseph Smith. Evidence of this truth is held within the Book of Mormon. My favorite book, which has given direction, peace, hope and deeper understanding of my faith comes as I've pondered this book. I can go on for an eternity. But I bear to you my testimony of these truths! A testimony and witness of these truths are available to all who seek to experiment as we read in Alma 32:26-31. I invite you to read this passage, to ponder in your hearts a principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ you can experiment upon. I know you will come to know for yourself that this truly indeed is the true church of Jesus Christ once again restored for us so we may know the way to returning back home to our Father in Heaven again.
The Lord has changed who I am. The atonement of Jesus Christ can be applicable to each of us. The power a mission can have on us as we learn to submit our will to the father.
I leave you my personal testimony as I close this chapter in my life. A new chapter will begin on
My last email home! |
I will see you Wednesday evening in San Diego!
Love Always,
Sister Skaggs

Love your FAVORITE most loving and incredible sister, whom you're so excited to see on Wednesday!
I wouldn't lie would I? It's the truth.... :D
Hey, you better be excited to see me!!
Sister Jen Skaggs
What a beautiful testimony to end your mission. Thank you my sweet little girl. I love you.
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