[Note from Sis. Skaggs mom - this is from April 6th - I'm a week behind - sorry!]
Spiritual Candy:
Washington, D.C. temple |
This past weekend was phenomenal!! General Conference is one of my ALL time favorite weekends of the year! Why? Well it's TWO full days of spiritual candy! It's this sweet treat that you can only indulge yourself in twice a year. It was interesting, the different things they focused on this past conference. I noticed they emphasized a lot on Families and Marriage which was interesting because if you think about it, the family is under attack. It is the basic unit. As we strengthen our family we will have a greater defense to withstanding the storm that is raging all around us. It reminded me of the family I have been blessed to have and the example that you each are to me. Family, thank you for creating an environment that is a refugee from the storm. Growing up I always felt that I had a place of protection. Thank you Mom and Dad for allowing the Gospel to be the center of everything we did. Know that I love you each.
Missionaries at the D.C. temple |
Another topic that I loved a lot from conference is the Sabbath Day and the Sacrament. They discussed the importance of keeping these two things sacred and separate from the world. It was interesting to see just how bold they were when they discussed the concerns of these two sacred things. It made me reflect on how I observed the Sabbath before my mission and how I want to observe it after my mission. It is a day that Heavenly Father has given to us to rest from the day to day demands. As we carefully reflect on how we use this sacred time he has given us we will be greatly blessed. I always felt before my mission that is was fine to take naps all day but I realized from General Conference that it is a time that if we spend it wisely we can indulge ourselves in strengthening our relationships with family, growing our testimonies and building our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Ahh I just love conference! I love all the glorious candy we get to feast upon, well, only if we allow ourselves to. What did you learn from Conference? How did Conference bless your life? What enabled you to change?
A Drive, A Walk and A Sprint through Washington D.C.
Transfer Calls:

Best news ever! I didn't receive a phone call!! So I'm staying in Woodbridge!!! Well only for a week! I'm beyond excited! What is happening is Sis. Moore will drive down tomorrow since her mission is over and then I will be on exchanges with another sister all day. I will get a new companion in the evening and then will prep her on the new area. Next Tuesday, April 14th, I will drive down to Richmond and then on the 15th I will fly back to Temple Square. Then the two new Sisters will fly out and one of them will replace me here in Woodbridge. But GET THIS... on Thursday Pres. Wilson pulled me aside and was like "I received word yesterday as to who the new sisters were that were coming in. Sister Kim from Korea and then Sister (He couldn't pronounce it) she is from California." I started thinking of the Sisters below me who were from California I was like "There is Sister Sughroue" and he is like "how do you spell it?... yep that is her. That is the other one coming in." I about passed out when I heard Sis. Sughroue was coming outbound to Richmond, VA!! What does that mean? Well she has a 1 out of 2 chance of replacing me here in Woodbridge. For those who will read this and don't know, she is a Sister from my home stake that I have known for a long time due to mutual friends. That was exciting! I wish I could e-mail her and tell her ALL about this place but we are asked to have no contact with Temple Square Sisters which will allow us to focus all of our time, attention and energy on outbound. Anyways I just thought that was really exciting.
The Work:
Friends from the senior center |
Nothing a whole lot has changed. We have been working a lot lately with recent converts and Less Actives, which I love! Our area has had multiple baptisms from Less Active families within the past several months which our attention has been focused on them. I love this area so much! It has been an area filled with miracles and the people are amazing! I wish I could stay forever but I know that my time here is done, well almost, and that I'm needed back on Temple Square. Its been a blessing to witness many amazing miracles out here in Virginia and I look froward to the many miracles that lie ahead this upcoming week! :)
I love these "grandmas"! |
Well I love you all! Continue to press forward. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is the importance to heed to the promptings of the spirit. When we deny the spirit we weaken our senses of the spirit in our lives. Most importantly, just trust Heavenly Father. He truly knows us best. Lean on his son and his ultimate sacrifice for us. It's the greatest blessing of all to have. Give the Lord everything you have. Don't allow yourself to be held back due to fear. As we strive to heed the promptings of the Holy Ghost we will be worthy to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost at all times. We will have the trust of our Father in Heaven.
I feel blessed to know each of you! I love you more than words can describe! :)
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