A Time to be Grateful:
Sister Moore and Sister Skaggs
with Daphne |
Wow can I just say how incredibly grateful I am to be a missionary! Being a missionary has and continues to be one the most joyous times of my life. Why? Seeing others recognize that they are children of God and seeing them take this glorious plan and apply it to their life is just something that you can't experience anywhere else. It is the highest of highs and it's something I wouldn't trade for the world. However as missionaries we do absolutely nothing!! These past couple of weeks I have come to learn that as missionaries you do absolutely nothing. We are just the instruments in the Lord's hands and he gives us the privilege to witness miracles. I'm just grateful for this opportunity I have to be a missionary and to have this experience to be outbound. When we have the faith and we are obedient we can witness miracles. This past Friday we were on exchanges with the STL's [Sister Training Leaders] and it was one of those days where we woke up and we just had appointment after appointment. The evening was coming to a close and all the families that we had been trying to see all week cancelled on us again. We were pretty bummed about that which gave us this awkward 30 minute window with drive time included. We decided, "Well, we might as well go tract." Sister Johns and I decided that we wanted to pass out two "Because He Lives" pass along cards and receive a new investigator and we only had 30 minutes to do so. The first 3 houses nobody was home. We had about 10 minutes left when she is like, "Let's go to the yellow house." As we were walking that direction I was like, "You know, the white house looks nice. We should try it and then go to the yellow house." As we approached the door the lady answers and we ask if we could share the new video with her. She didn't
At Daphne's baptism |
even hesitate to let us in. As we are sitting there waiting for the video to load she starts talking to us about how she has a friend who is Mormon and how she loves to attend different churches on Sunday, etc. Sis. Johns and I just start testifying to her of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being restored on the earth again and how as we attend church and meet with representatives of Jesus Christ we can come to find out these things for ourselves. She mentioned that she would be glad to and that she wanted to come to church but already had plans. Sis. Johns didn't even hesitate asking her if she wanted to attend the Women's Broadcast the following day (Saturday evening). Janet is her name - she was like, "Yah. I have nothing going on I would love to." We talked with her a little bit more and then bore our testimonies
Daphne and Sister Skaggs |
and left. We were acting in faith that she would come but you never know. Well, Saturday we had Daphne's baptism and then right after, the Ice Cream social. As we walk into the cultural hall all I hear is, "That's her." I look over and there is Janet talking to this lady from another ward. I, at first, was shocked but then beyond excited that she actually came! We showed her around the building and then watched the broadcast. Afterwards we were talking about what stood out to her and she said, "I love the emphasis on families and how they really instill to you young people your purpose as Daughters of God and how to raise families and be moms and wives, I really loved that." We are meeting with her again, as of right now, on Wednesday. She is so sweet! I really just love the simple lesson of - as you act in faith miracles happen.
Making A Covenant with Your Father in Heaven:
Daphne's family at her baptism |
Daphne and her new
scriptures from her parents |
Probably one of the greatest moments was seeing Daphne baptized this past Saturday and then confirmed on Sunday. Seeing this precious Daughter of God so excited to make this covenant with her Father in Heaven and then to see her parents and little brother there to support her is something special. Sis. Moore and I were just in tears the whole time - tears of joy. Daphne has been wanting to be baptized for months but never had received the approval. But then we acted in faith and with the Lord's help put her on date and she was able to receive the approval and be baptized. Daphne was shocked when she received her quad (set of scriptures with the Old and New Testament, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine and Covenants) with her name engraved on it from her parents. She is such a special little girl and I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to witness such a joyous time for her.
Daphne and her Bishop
at her baptism |
Sorry this is shorter than usual. My Temple Square President was asking me a few questions about outbound and so I was responding to him, which was really neat because it forced me to spend a couple of minutes reflecting on my experience of being here in Virginia which comes to a close in just 2 short weeks.
Daphne's mom and Sis. Moore |
Before I close -- guess what week this week is?! GENERAL CONFERENCE!! The best week of the whole year - well, one of the best weeks!! What a glorious opportunity we each have to hear from the Prophet and other leaders of the Church. We get to hear those messages that our Father in Heaven needs us each to hear! As you take the time the next couple of days, think about those things that your heart is in search of, those questions that you need answered. As you take the time to ponder and prepare yourself I can promise you that your spirit will be edified in more ways than you can think of. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity that you have to listen from a Prophet of God, to listen from his apostles and other individuals that he has called to give us that divine guidance we need that will enable us to withstand the forces of the outside world. I know this Gospel is true and I know that as we open our hearts to the messages of Conference we will receive that personal, divine guidance! I love you all and I hope you have a fantastic week and Easter Weekend as you remember your Savior Jesus Christ!

Love always!!
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