It's truly amazing how fast 3 months goes. I truly feel as if I never went outbound; that it was one big giant dream. But I know, in the back of my head, that it's false. I'm happy to be back though, and to take everything I learned from Outbound and apply it to life here on Temple Square! Can you believe that I'm now in my 7th transfer and today is my half way mark? 9 months ago today I entered the MTC for the first time and in approximately 9 months I will be headed home. But we aren't going to think about that because I will always be a missionary and will never leave my mission. :) These past 9 months, though, have been some of the most cherished moments of my life. They have been some of the most challenging moments I have ever encountered. But its a learning process. What time in your life can you drop everything and just serve the Lord with everything you have? You only get one shot at it. It's amazing though, that we are allowed to be a part of such a marvelous, divine work. The opportunity to bring salvation to individuals across all corners of the world. We have the key, we have the key to salvation. The only way Salvation can be achieved is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a missionary we get to take this key and invite others to unlock the door to their salvation. Our purpose is simple, "Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel, through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the holy ghost and enduring to the end!" Today in Relief Society President Poulsen made each of us stop and think about how we are fulfilling our purpose. It made me personally stop and reflect on how I am fulfilling my purpose. But this isn't just applied to us missionaries. It's applied to all who will follow Jesus Christ. How are we fulfilling our purpose as missionaries or as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
New found friends in
Woodbridge |
Bumped into Sister Sughroue
at the Atlanta airport. She
is replacing me in Richmond! |
When we entered the waters of baptism we made a covenant with him. We became missionaries and became a part of this divine work. The only difference is we, meaning the full time missionaries, do this 24/7 - with all our attention consecrated on this sole purpose of helping others receive the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ into their life. But how are we fulfilling our purpose? This is such a marvelous work. It's a blessing to be a part of it and to witness the change that comes to individuals when they accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are ultimately converted to it. The greatest thing is seeing people not just gain a testimony of the Gospel but are converted to it. Being outbound I was able to be in contact with several individuals like Barbara and the Whalen Family who learned about this divine plan, recognized it's importance and then weren't only changed by it but were
converted by it. Sister Nguyen, after I left Spotsylvania, came in and began working there. She was telling me the other day about the tremendous progress this family of 4 has made in just a short amount of time. It pretty much brought me to tears as she was explaining to me the simple things that were occurring with this family.
So long my Woodbridge friends! |
Every Sunday Brother Whalen goes out with the elders now to teach. Well, for the first couple of weeks Christian, the 10 year old son, kept feeling like he needed to do something but couldn't figure out what. After several weeks, Christian asked his dad "Where are you going?" He informed Christian that he was going out with the Elders. Several minutes later Christian came downstairs all dressed and said, "Dad, I'm ready to go. Can I go with you?" Here is this 10 year old boy who has been observing his dad and now has the desire to go as well. That's not the end. They went to see a gentleman in the hospital. Christian apparently just bore, with his whole heart, his testimony to this gentleman. When Christian got home he looked at Brother Whalen and said, "Dad that feeling is gone now. That's what I was being told to do. I was supposed to bare my testimony to that gentleman." (I may have several things off because she shared the story with me several days ago.) Seeing the gospel change lives is just something I can't describe. It's a feeling like none other. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is remarkable and is truly a divine plan established for each of us to be able to return back home to our Father in Heaven.
A New Transfer:
Well, shall I tell you what's happening this transfer? For starters, as you already know, my new P-DAY is going to be on Thursdays! :) I will no longer be e-mailing on Mondays for the next 6 weeks. I am safe this transfer and get to be just a normal missionary! Which, to be honest, I'm totally okay with. I know it wont last long as the dynamics of the mission have changed drastically since I left. But anyways, my new companion is Sister George. She is from the Joplin, Missouri area. She is currently in her 3rd transfer and we will be serving in Guest Services together! Which means if you call to schedule a tour, ask about guest related information about Temple Square, etc., you have a slight chance of speaking with us. We serve in Guest Services about 2 hours a day everyday. I'm really excited for this upcoming transfer and for the opportunities that we will have together to help invite others to apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ into their life. It's something special, but its our ultimate divine purpose as missionaries, well, as members in general. Sister George and I know that as we have the faith to act, as we are exactly obedient to the rules and to the spirit, miracles will be witnessed.
Saying goodbye to my new friends
in Woodbridge |
It's a blessing to be a missionary and I'm grateful for this time I have to be one. I hope you each know your Father in Heaven loves you and he is aware of you. The Atonement is real and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way to be successful in this life and to experience eternal joy in the life to come. It's a blessing to have the Gospel in my life. I don't know what I would do without this simple knowledge. If you don't know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that divine plan for you I invite you to apply it to your life. Take those steps in your faith to find out. We don't receive a witness (an answer) until after the trial of our faith (to apply the things we are learning). I can promise you that you will gain that answer for yourself. It may not come right away but our Heavenly Father will give you an answer. The Whalen family didn't get their answer right away. It came after they made their mind up that they were going to be baptized and they took the necessary steps to do so. As they were taking those steps, they received that answer. The Lord loves you, knows you and is aware of you. I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Love Always,
Sister Skaggs
My companion for a week..... |
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