I hope you enjoy her letters each week and can feel the love she has for our Heavenly Father and his son, our Savior, Jesus Christ and the excitement she has toward serving her mission. God bless you all!
Here's this week's letter:
Where oh Where Do You Think Heavenly Father Needs ME to Go???
Let me read you my new Mission Call!!!
"Dear Sister Skaggs,
There is more to the letter. I sent pictures of my letter so you can look at the pictures. But can you believe it? I am going to VIRGINIA!! I'm beyond excited for this new step in my mission. I have no idea what awaits me over there but I know that this is where the Lord needs me for the next 3 months. There is no one here on Temple Square that I will benefit these next 3 months. But someone over there needs me and needs me now.

An Update on the People I'm Leaving Behind:
John (Cape Town, South Africa) - So he is getting ready to move in 2 weeks to Johannesburg for work, which is so exciting because it will be so much easier for him to attend church. He is a leader in his church right now and so it is a little tough for him to attend church right now with him being a leader. But when he gets to Johannesburg he will have a fresh start and work won't be so overwhelming. GUESS WHAT??? He read parts of the Book of Mormon!!! I was sooo HAPPY!! I was afraid I was going to have to drop him [as an "investigator"] if he hadn't done either of those. But he told me, "I started reading the Book of Mormon on Tuesday. I have read a page a day and I just left off at the part that talks about the different sections." I was so happy! And get this, he is reading it online because he doesn't have a personal copy since the local missionaries haven't been to him yet. He is still wanting to learn more and I got the time difference wrong so I called him later than I was supposed to. But he was like "I have been waiting for your call for an hour now. I was going to go to my friends house but I decided to wait for you to call me." He is so awesome! I will be transferring him to one of the new South African Sisters who will be coming in this transfer. I can't wait to hear how things go when I get back in April!
Wendell (Salt Miner from Ohio) - Well I felt bad for just dropping Wendell and I felt like I needed to call him. So I called him and after 1 month he finally answered!! But he told me, "Jennifer, thank you for taking the time to help me but I don't feel the Mormon Church is for me. I have been trying to feel God's love but I just can't." That was one of the first times I have had an investigator drop me. He was so sweet about it. To be honest, if he would have just kept the commitments he would have been able to feel of God's love. I told him I would be going to a different mission and he was super excited for me. I told him I would call him sometime again before I left my mission and he said, "I would appreciate that, Jennifer. I look forward to when you call again. I will keep you in my prayers and think about you occasionally. I appreciate everything you have done for me."
Tracy and Michael (Couple from Florida, getting married next week) - Unfortunately we have not talked with them this past week. Things have fallen through. However, we are calling them tomorrow so we are excited about that. We will find out more tomorrow as to how their progress is going and to who we will transfer them to. Things are a little hard because they will be getting married next Thursday at Disney World.
Julio (Recent Convert from Pennsylvania) - Okay so I just love him! He is just funny as can be. I haven't talked to him in like a week. But I will for sure talk with him before I go outbound. He is doing well. He is meeting with the Elders every week and is still going to church and is loving it. When we talked last time he said he was sending me a letter in the mail but I still haven't gotten it but it usually takes sometime. I'm crossing my fingers it gets here before I leave for Virginia but it's okay because Temple Square will just forward all of my mail to me. I don't think I will transfer Julio to anyone. I will just let him know I will call him again in 3 months. I haven't prayed about it yet as to if I should transfer him to someone. So, yah, Julio is doing well!
Raymond (Recent Convert from Arkansas) - He is doing well. I don't hear from him as often because I know he is doing well and I know he doesn't really need me communicating with him. He sent me a text yesterday and informed me he is getting his Patriarchal Blessing on Sunday! He is super excited about that. I know he is because we talked about that a couple months ago and he was super excited to get his.
Brown Family (Recent Converts from Arizona) - They are just doing amazing! They are continuing to just thrive. Melissa (the mom) had a question about an aspect of the Gospel that was discussed in Sunday School that she didn't quite understand so we explained it a little be more as to what it was. I'm kind of sad that I will have to transfer her to someone else. I will miss being able to talk with her every Sunday but I know there is a time and a place for everything and I know that Heavenly Father doesn't need me to be in contact with her anymore.
My MTC Investigator... Remember LEAH!!!
You're Serving a MISSION? And you're from WHERE?
So get this, on Saturday I was covering for a companionship at Map Desk and this guy walks up with his family. We start talking and we find out the young man that is with him is from SYRIA!! He is the FIRST MISSIONARY from Syria to be serving a mission. We were in complete shock when we heard about it. I was like "Wait, so where are you from?" He says, "I'm from Syria." Yah, ummm, the Church isn't IN Syria!! He and his family are the ONLY members in Syria. I was like "How did it all work?" He tells me, "My mom became a member in Romania when she went to school and then she moved back home. We escaped from Syria a couple of months ago and now live in Lebanon." He was telling me stories and stuff, it was just crazy. Just imagine if you were in the missionary department and missionary forms came across your table and it was from someone in Syria. I would be like "Wait. What?" He is super excited though, to share the Gospel. If you remember Elder Callisters talk about a little girl from the Oct. General Conference who knew so much about the Gospel.....that's his little sister. It goes to show that despite what's happening around you, like literally what's happening around you, you truly can live a Gospel centered life and raise your children in a Gospel centered environment. So that was pretty neat!
Helaman 10:4-5:
I love these verses. They are so powerful and they remind me as to who I want to be when it comes to being a missionary and just in general! We truly should be firm in the Gospel and should be dedicated to sharing it and doing the will of our Father. I love the footnotes on unwearyingness - "Dedication, Dependability, Priesthood, Magnifying Callings and Steadfastness". How are we doing such a thing? Are we dedicated to the cause? Are we dedicated to magnifying our callings not just as being missionaries but callings He gives us within his church as parents, children, friends? Of course we aren't perfect. But I love the blessings that come as we dedicate our time to doing what he has asked of us. He says, "I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works;" Are we dedicated to building His Kingdom? Are we fearing man or are we looking to Him and His will?
I love you all!! Don't ever forget who you are! The Gospel is true!
Sister Skaggs
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