Sunday, January 11, 2015

Becoming Purified by the Hands of our Maker‏

Loved ones,

Give Yourself to the Lord:
It's funny how when you go on a mission you learn so much, so much about who you are as a person. So many things are shown to you. It's hard, the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. There is a quote that was shared in fast and testimony meeting that I want to share with you. It pretty much describes what I have been going through and am still going through and will continue to go through.
"When a silversmith is purifying silver, he places it into the hottest part of the fire, and holds it there while all the dross or impurities are burned away. He can't hold it there a second too long, otherwise the silver will be ruined. He knows the silver's done being purified the second he can see his reflection in it. Likewise, this analogy can be applied to us. Our trials and experiences are what refines us - the whole time we're in the fire our Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus-Christ are watching over us. They allow us to continue enduring the heat, until we've been sufficiently purified, and He can see His reflection in us"---- Taken from one of Sister Rachel Desjourdy's zone meetings
You know, this is me. I have been out on my mission just 1 week shy of hitting my 6 month mark. It has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I have often asked myself why? Well, so many different why's. That is the answer. A mission is the time for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to purify each of us. We are each being refined, molded, and reshaped into who he needs us to become. And he needs us to become more like Him and his son, Jesus Christ. I have asked myself, why, why is this so hard. But it's because of that. Reality is, a mission isn't supposed to be easy. We shouldn't even think for a second that a mission should be easy. Honestly, I feel it should be one of the hardest things we do in our life. Because it can be one of the only times in our life when we truly can submit our will to our Father in Heaven. A dear friend of mine shared with me some lines today that really stood out to me. They said "...Do what the Lord wants of you and you will be blessed beyond belief and give yourself up to the Lord, all of you, and he will make you an instrument in his hands..." It's true. As we truly give our self up to the Lord, all of us, that's when we can truly become purified. Have I truly given myself up to the lord, everything up to the Lord? No. I would be lying if I said yes. But I know that as I continue to give myself up to Him just so many things will happen. I want to finish my mission saying, "I did what the Lord expected of me." A mission is a refiners fire. I wouldn't trade being on a mission for the world.

I want you to just think about this question: How am I becoming purified by the hands of my maker??

Well What Should I Do Next??:

The Reflection pool and the
temple at Christmastime
I explained to you last week about Tracy and Michael. We called them on Saturday to talk with them. When we first called she mentioned they had company over and asked if we could call back in 2 hours. We mentioned that was okay. I was a little skeptical about everything. But we called back and she was really excited to talk with us. She mentioned they were looking forward to us calling them and were hoping we wouldn't forget about them. We just asked how the trip was, how they liked Temple Square etc. But then the local missionaries popped up. I don't know how we got onto that topic but we did. So we met them on Sunday and we sent the request for local missionaries Sunday afternoon. Now, when we send referrals out to local areas it usually takes some time and we often have to escalate referrals. Tracy proceeds to tell me that they arrived home Tuesday evening and just 1 hour of arriving home a knock came to the door. Guess who it was?... The local missionaries. I was scared as to what she was going to say about it but she mentioned that they had met them once after that and they were coming over again!! Sister Bryuzgina and I started crying. That was a miracle! She asked us multiple questions and we briefly explained to her again about the Restoration. We talked with her about the importance of reading the Book of Mormon and then praying about it. We discussed several other things and then she asks us, "What should I do next?" We then invited her to be baptized and she said yes!!! We are hoping the local missionaries have put them on date but we will find out tomorrow. She mentioned just how much she just loved us and she wishes we could be there too but we explained to her the need to be here and how the local missionaries are to be in their life for a reason. They are getting married two weeks from tomorrow so we have been worried that that will be a hurdle in teaching them and being baptized. We asked when we could call again and she said next week. She said, "The wedding is coming up but I'm trying to be home more often and to have quite time." She said, "I'm super excited to talk with you both next week, we just love you two and I will make sure Mike is on the phone with me next week, too!"
They are amazing. Sister Bryuzgina and I are praying that I stay here next transfer and don't go outbound. Haha - the only way I would accept to going outbound is if I got called to the Fort Lauderdale Mission and was assigned to their area! No, I know whatever happens needs to happen. They are truly amazing and I look forward to being here with them on this journey. Now that the local missionaries are involved we won't teach them anymore we will just be there as a second witness and back up support. But I'm excited for them. We will see what happens though.
Meet the Mormons is Here:
Meet the Mormons is finally here in our Visitor Center. When it first opened, a lot of people were asking us if we could play it for them. Surprisingly a lot of the people haven't seen it before which was a little shocking. We have posters now everywhere in our visitor's centers advertising it. It's pretty funny. So Friday evening was the debut showing of it and we were assigned to open it with one more companionship. It was really neat. We didn't welcome everyone because we trade off every week with the other companionship now and we allowed them to go first. It was a lot of fun being able to talk with everyone and to talk with them more about the movie. We will welcome everyone this Friday night, in regards to opening the movie, and then press the play button.
Wendell, Julio and John:
We dropped Wendell yesterday. It was so sad having to put him into the 'former investigator' category. I have tried calling him so many times and he just isn't answering. It was really sad having to do that but I know that's what was needing to be done.
Julio is doing well. He is continuing to meet with local missionaries and so I'm really happy about that. I told him I won't be calling him very often now since I know he is doing well and I need to be focusing my time on finding those who are prepared to be baptized. He understands.

I talked with John again on Monday, the one from South Africa. He has been very busy this past week and wasn't able to read the Book of Mormon and go to church. We talked with him about the importance of attending church and reading the Book of Mormon and he said he would work harder to attend church this upcoming Sunday. We invited him to be baptized and he said he would. We will see what happens. We stressed the importance of attending church and reading the Book of Mormon and shared with him the blessings that would come if he made the time for these things in his life. We are calling him next Sunday so we will see what happens.
Oreo Suckers:
This is before they dipped them
in chocolate (added by Sis. Skaggs'
Mom the Oreo Suckers were a hit! Everyone loved them. Yes, I did end up making them on P-day but I didn't get any pictures. They were delicious and I'm pretty sure I gained a couple of pounds from them. Don't worry, I shared. Sister Desjourdy wanted more, haha as usual! Thank you, mom, for the package!!
Sister Bryuzgina and I:
 She is AMAZING!! Honestly, I'm going to cry when we have to be separated. It's weird to think I have been with her for almost 12 weeks, aka 3 months. She has become one of my best friends. She has been an amazing example to me. She has helped me in more ways than I can think of and I feel so blessed to have such an amazing companion. It's funny because at the end of last transfer I was like, "I don't think we will be together next transfer. I feel like I'm just too comfortable with you. I just won't learn anything." I was so wrong. I have learned more from her this transfer than I thought I could. She is so giving, so caring, so determined, so obedient, and someone who is firm in the Gospel despite what is happening around her in her life. It is going to be a sad day when President splits us but I know that that is what must be done. I feel so blessed to have her in my life!
Quick Side Note:
Temple Square at
So there is a likelihood that I will be going outbound this upcoming transfer more likely than I thought. I will find out next week if I'm going outbound. Everyone thinks President will hold me another transfer and then will send me in March. We will see what happens. Just thought I would give you a forewarning in case it does happen.

I love you all! Remember just how much your Father in Heaven loves you. Life is hard, I know it is. There is a scripture that I really just love a lot. We can find it in the Book of Mormon in Alma 34:41 "But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day, rest from all your afflictions."
I know this gospel to be true!
Mom and Dad please don't worry about me, I'm doing fine! I love you, be safe and continue to hold tight to the Gospel!

Sister Skaggs

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