I love you ALL!!
Another great week has come and gone! I swear I was just emailing you yesterday, but yet I'm here again emailing you. This just doesn't make sense. Anyway, this week has been a really good week! Being a missionary is just the best! I love everything about missionary life, yes even the trials, because like I said before, trials are blessings because they allow us to grow. Okay so enough of that here is how the week went!
Lets Talk About the COLD:
Salt Lake Temple at
Christmastime |

Haha - so guess what I have been bringing out this week?? My WINTER CLOTHES!! Yup. I don't know if I'm just a pansy or if it really is cold. Right now it's about 30 degrees outside. We don't understand what's happening with the weather because just a couple weeks ago it was like 85 degrees and now it's 30 degrees. I don't mind the cold all that much my black jacket you bought me, mom, from Costco last year and a scarf has kept me pretty warm. Sisters think I'm crazy wearing just that. But I haven't been that cold, except for today of course. I talked with President this morning about getting my big winter coat from Uncle Lenny and Aunt Wendy and he was like "We definitely need to get you your winter coat, it's not supposed to be as bad tomorrow as it is today." Haha - I was like "Hmmm - tomorrow it's supposed to snow." I got a good chuckle out of that. So last week at Costco a box of hot chocolate was on sale - 60 pouches for $5 and so I bought the whole box. I will put it in my locker so when the Christmas lights turn on and I have to stay outside for 4 hours in 30 degree weather I will have my nice warm mug of hot chocolate to keep me nice and toasty. Speaking of which, the lights come on in 2 weeks!!! SO EXCITED!! They put the HUGE nativity scene up yesterday in front of the North Visitor Center. I joked with my companion that I want to go take a picture with them but then they put the fence up so nobody with a crazy idea like me would do it. I'm hoping I survive this winter. I feel like I should be able to. If I survived a winter in Idaho I should survive a Utah winter. These cold nights remind me of a lot of memories up at BYU-I. Good times, that's for sure.
You NEVER KNOW WHO is WATCHING it may just be an APOSTLE:
Elder Oaks |
So yeah, always be mindful of what you do especially around Temple Square. Well, of course all the time because the Lord is always watching us. But you never know, an Apostle could be watching you. Every Sunday we have church at 7:30 AM. Yah, for those who complain about 9 AM church try having church at 7:30 in the morning. Anyway, we are asked to be at ALL meetings 10 minutes early. As we were walking to the light we had about 3 seconds left until we would have to wait again to cross the street. As I looked at the time I realized we weren't going to make it in time (10 minutes early). I debated if I should sprint across the street or just wait. I decided I wasn't going to push it and run across the street in a dress, on a Sunday with 3 seconds to spare, while eating a bagel and break the law. So I decided to wait. Well, a companionship in front of me, started booking it to the light but they got to the intersection with like 1 second left and right before they decided to sprint across the street they stopped. We had a car at the intersection waiting for the light to turn green. Right after the sisters stopped the car rolled its windows down and next thing I hear is "Hi Sisters how are you today?" I'm like "Wait. What?" I look over at the car and it was Elder Oaks and his wife in the backseat waving at us. Those sisters were so glad they didn't book it across the street. That would've just been really awkward. So moral of the story -- do the right thing at all times because you never know who is watching.
A Tour through the Prophets House, the BEEHIVE HOUSE:
A room inside the Beehive House |
I love being in the Beehive House! It's really neat to be in a Prophets home. You know there are a lot of things about the history of the church that I just never really had a testimony. Polygamy, for one. I never really had a huge testimony on Brigham Young just because I just haven't focused my attention on those things. When we had training the Zone Leaders mentioned that as we serve in Brigham Young's Home we will gain a testimony, if we have the desire to, on the various topics that we may struggle with. One of the Zone Leaders mentioned that it was here that she gained her testimony as to why polygamy was ever enforced. I was like, "Okay. Yah, that won't happen for me." But since being in the House and learning more about Brigham Young and his life, I have gained more of an understanding/testimony as to why polygamy occurred. I have really gained a stronger testimony of Prophets. I feel so blessed to be alive during the time when we have prophets upon the earth. It's really quite funny because before being in the Beehive House I always cringed when I heard the word "Polygamy". Now when people ask "Why did Brigham Young have so many wives?" "Why did you have Polygamy?" etc., it gives me the opportunity to testify as to why polygamy occurred at that time and the importance of prophets in our lives. I'm so grateful to have this opportunity to serve in the Beehive House. I wish everyone had the opportunity to. You learn so much about Prophets, various gospel topics and your testimony, in general, is strengthened so much. If you ever read Doctrine and Covenants 138 about the Spirit World it was revealed to Joseph F. Smith in the Beehive House in a room that during our slow months we take guests through. I never knew that. It's amazing the different things you can learn! If you live around the Salt Lake area you should come tour the Beehive House. :)
62 year old Salt Miner from Ohio, WENDELL:

I shared with you more about Wendell last week. I just love him so much! Last week we went to call him and I ran late in regards to calling him because I was talking with people at the Reflection Pool and so we called him late and he didn't answer. I called again and he still didn't answer. I was really bummed because I finally felt like things were beginning to pick up but then yet again something went wrong. I was frustrated with myself because I knew if I would've gotten to TC (teaching center) when I was supposed to (exact obedience) he probably would have answered. I called several days later and he still didn't answer. To be honest, I lost a lot of faith with the aspect that nothing would happen. Well, yesterday I was in the Beehive House and it was just really slow and so I decided I will give Wendell another try. I called him yesterday and he ANSWERED! He mentioned that the moment I called him he was looking up videos as to how people received their belief in God. He mentioned that he met with the local missionaries the other day and would meet with them again tomorrow, I believe. I shared with him my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that it's through it that we can find that strength that we need in our lives. I was thinking of inviting him to be baptized and putting him on date but I feel that since he now has local missionaries that's their responsibility. I did invite him though to accept the invitations that the sisters will give to him and that as he starts to keep the invitations he will see his life greatly blessed and this peace he is in search of will be found. He was glad to accept it and so I'm praying the sisters will extend to him invitations on Thursday. I asked if they gave him a Book of Mormon and he said, "Yah, but the print is too small" and so he wasn't going to be able to read it till he receives surgery. In my head I'm like "No the Book of Mormon is essential he must read it now. Heavenly Father I know there is a way he can start reading it now." It occurred to me that he was on the computer as I called him so I asked him to go to Lds.org. I was going to see if the wording was large enough there. It took me a good 10-15 minutes to get him to the right spot but he was super excited when he finally got there because he could read it. I shared with him several chapters that I wanted him to read and we read several verses together. At the end he was like, "I followed along with you. I'm going to read these chapters when we hang up. It will take me some time but I'm super excited. Thank you so much!" I was like, "You know Wendell, I know just how important this book is and I know that your Heavenly Father wants you to read this and so I knew he would provide a way for you to read it." He is just so amazing! I will talk to him again on Sunday and I'm super stoked. I can promise you I WILL NOT be late to that appointment!
You already know about how much I love Julio! I can't wait to met him someday. This past week when I talked with him it made me so happy to hear the change in his voice. He attended church again and was super excited to tell me about receiving his baptismal certificate etc. He was even excited to tell me about the books they gave him for the classes (the manuals). I was in contact with his Ward Mission Leader last week. He has an amazing support group out there. I regret so much the frustration I had about what I wasn't seeing when reality was I just wasn't seeing the big picture. His Ward Mission Leader gave me an update as to what was happening over there and I was able to explain to him who I was, how I know Julio, and why I'm in contact with him. I feel so bad that I had judged what was happening when reality Julio was just being well, Julio. I will continue to stay in contact with his area and update them as time goes with what is happening on my front. Oh, so I forgot to mention, Julio prayed again last week with me on the phone! At the start he found again another excuse as to why he couldn't say the opening pray. I was like, "Okay. I will say the opening and you will say the closing." At the end he didn't even argue with me he just said it. It was so heart felt. He actually prayed for the local missionaries this time and thanked Heavenly Father for all that they are doing for him. I about cried. You may think that's crazy but it's been a battle with having him trust his local missionaries and so the fact that he said that in his prayer meant A LOT. I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father has allowed me the opportunity to come in contact with Julio.
Sister Bryuzgina and Exchanges:
My comp - Sis. Bryuzgina |
Sister Bryuzgina and I are doing really well! Like I mentioned, the first couple of days were rough but it's just a weakness I have, which is one I'm working on. She is just so sweet and I love being around her. I have been on exchanges everyday this past week and so every time I saw her it made me appreciate even more the fact that she is my companion. Starting Tuesday we should be done with ALL exchanges, including the ones with the Russian sisters. She is teaching me so much and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to have her as my companion. Exchanges have been going really well! I'm learning so much from these sisters! I love being able to spend this time getting to know them and strengthening that friendship with them. The next two days I will be on exchanges with sisters who are in their 1st and 2nd transfers. I'm excited but a little nervous because I will be expected to take the lead and one of them doesn't know a whole lot of English. But the Lord qualifies those that He calls. He wouldn't put me on exchanges with these sisters if he didn't think I could do it. I'm super excited!
Dinner at City Creek |
I love you all so much! I feel so blessed to have such amazing examples in my life! I'm so grateful to have been given this opportunity to share the Gospel to all those whom I come in contact with. It's funny how the more into the mission you get the more anxious you get to share it with everyone you meet. When people come on chat, especially, I don't hesitate at all as to why I am here and what my purpose is. It weeds out right way who is truly interested or who is just trolling me. The Gospel is amazing and I feel so blessed to be a part of it! I love you all so much!
Continue to let your light shine and don't be afraid to show the world who you are. What matters most is that you are becoming who your Father in Heaven needs you to become. As you know that then you won't be afraid to do the things that he requires each of us to do. This short time on earth is a test. As we do the things that our Father in Heaven has asked us to do we will pass the test. Our Father in Heaven wants to see all of his children return back home to Him. He loves each of you so much and I hope you know that. Don't give up on him. He has a plan for you. I like to put it as our instructions as to how we can pass this test and those instructions are the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's that easy. The instructions as to how we can pass this test and return to live with our Father in Heaven again is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Good luck this week!! Be safe and remember who you are!!
Till next week!!
Sister Skaggs
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