Monday, November 3, 2014

I'm Taking Off the Training Wheels... I'm a BIG GIRL NOW!‏

To those I love,

Yes, you're probably wondering why in the world she is sending home ANOTHER email this week. Here on Temple Square, I may have explained this earlier, we have different p-days (Preparation Days) almost every transfer because if every sister had P-Day on Monday, like normal, then we would have nobody on the Square. So, last transfer I had Monday P-Day and then a new transfer starts today (Wednesday). I was given Wednesday P-Day this new transfer because of the new zone I'm in which means I have P-Day yet again. Which is good but not good at the same time because I will be doing like NO missionary work this week. You will understand at the end of the e-mail why I wont being getting any work done. So, should I start and tell you what has happened these past 48 hours?? Here we go!

Spalding Executives:

Have you ever played basketball before? [Did she really just ask us that question??] If you have ever lived in America then you probably have picked up a basketball. If you look on a basketball, the majority of them are made by a company called "Spalding". So, your wondering at this moment how does basketballs, Spalding and missionary work relate? Let me tell you. Yesterday, while Sister Ferguson and I were serving at the Humanitarian Center, we came down from lunch to allow the Senior Couple we serve with to go to lunch. Right before we were getting ready to do stuff the secretary, Kathy - who I love, by the way, comes in and says, "Sisters you have 3 people for a tour." We looked at each other and were like "Okay. Perfect." I seriously just thought it was going to be some random people from somewhere in the world like it usually is. Well, I was wrong! When we got to the desk I see a man in a suit and two men with nice shirts that say "Spalding." They were dressed kind of like you, dad, when you wear your tan pants and your Great Oak shirts and you are going to a sporting event. I seriously thought I saw you standing in front me! The way they were dressed was so similar to you. Hahaha! Anyways, we find out the man in the suit is from the Church Office Building and the other two men work for Spalding. They were here on business in regards to the church and the volleyball equipment. They were seeing what the Church does. My immediate thought was "This is a VIP tour. We shouldn't be taking this. Where is the Senior Couple?" For VIP tours only the Senior Couples take it and then on Temple Square only the Ap's or ZL's take them. And I'm thinking "I'm a trainee. Uhhh this is weird." Well, we put on a fake smile and did the best we could. As we were walking around I was trying to figure out who they actually were. Haha - I knew they were big in the company because when we were discussing the International Kits that we send out I was talking to them about how it would be weird to get Squid Shreds in a package and how in some countries that would be like them getting Mac N Cheese. Haha - they started talking about how when they went to World's this year or last year for Gymnastics it was really weird because for concessions they didn't sell candy bars, etc. So I figured they must be big in the company if you are talking about going to Worlds for Gymnastics. It was so neat to be able to take them around. At the end they were so appreciative of the tour and were impressed with the tour and what we did. Haha. I got a good chuckle afterwards cause I'm like, "You're probably a big wig and here some 19 year old girl who has only been on her mission for like 3 months just gave you a tour." But as I asked what they did in the company, one of the men said, "Oh, he didn't tell you but he is the Chief Operating Officer for Spalding." I'm like "oooo okay." It was really neat to see just how humble he was when he was introduced to us at the end. They were such sweet men. It's weird because that was my last tour there at the Humanitarian Center.
Salt Lake Temple
Since Halloween isn't the safest holiday now-a-days it's not really safe to have missionaries out proselyting. It's an easy way for people to dress up and come to Temple Square and do dumb things.  So, for safety reasons, they are closing Temple Square at 5pm and as a WHOLE MISSION, 200 SISTERS, we are having dinner together and then, get this, I still have NO IDEA how they are pulling this off, but we are doing a Temple Session as a MISSION in the Salt Lake Temple Friday evening! Hahaha. I hope nobody is planning on coming to Temple Friday night because, well, you're going to get the surprise of a life time. 200 sister missionaries... I'm beyond excited for this opportunity we get. When President Poulsen told us, we pretty much all passed out. Last year they had a huge party but this year President wanted us to do something more mission appropriate, I don't know how to describe it. So, I will have to tell you how that goes next Wednesday.
Okay so I just LOVE my new companion! She is AMAZING! We are in the Beehive house this transfer and she is District Leader. She is only in her 5th Transfer. Here on Temple Square since we are an all Sister's Mission the Sisters hold all the Leadership Positions. We were talking this morning about what this all meant for me. Like how her being a district leader impacts me. She was like, "Well, ALL of next week we will be on exchanges so we will never see each other." We have 6 other sisters in our District and they would prefer her being done with exchanges by week 3. It's 24 hour exchanges, too. The thing that scares me is 3 out of the 6 sisters are in training with one of them being in my class. Which means I will be expected to take the lead. I DO NOT feel QUALIFIED at all!! I don't know what to think. But it's funny because whom the Lord calls He qualifies so I know everything will be okay. I'm kind of excited but a bit nervous. Sister Bryuzgina said, "President has put you with a District Leader because you can see how it all works and you can start to prepare for when he calls you to be a District Leader." She was like, "Maybe next transfer or here soon." Haha. I have NO IDEA what the Lord has in store for me on my mission. He is sending curve balls left and right. Which is good because it keeps me humbled and on my toes, which is what I need.
Sister Bryuzgina is just the best! We already get along sooo well! She is so sweet and such a powerful missionary. In our first contact we met this couple who is so prepared we both feel like one more contact and they will be good. They knew so much and were genuinely interested because of the friends they had in High School. They have only been out of high school about 10 years but they were sharing with us about Seminary, Mutual and how one of their friends even invited them to go to their mission farewell years ago. It made me stop and think about the fact that people DO watch you. If you're in high school, and for anyone else, just take into thought that you have people all around you watching you. I'm so GRATEFUL for the example their friends were to them many years ago and still are. It's because of those simple missionary invitations they extended that this couple is so prepared. The lady left with a Book of Mormon and the husband said he already has a copy because of his friend many years ago. So, you never know what a simple invitation will do, or just simply leading by example.
Can you actually believe it?! I'm done with TRAINING. Well, the 12 week training program. I will always be in TRAINING cause if we are constantly learning something new then we are 'being trained'. I seriously cannot believe it was 12 weeks ago that I came here to Temple Square for the first time as an official missionary. I'm beyond excited for what the Lord has in store for me this upcoming transfer and for the transfer to come. Even though I don't feel all that qualified right now I know that as I continue to just trust in the lord and do the things I'm supposed to do all will be okay.
Okay well I need to go now.

Love you all!! Be Safe this week! And I will e-mail next Wednesday!! Good Luck this week!!
Sister Skaggs

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