So I didn't really outline my week like I usually do so at the moment I have no idea what I'm going to write. But I bet I will eventually. This was another really good week though!
Fun during comp study |
More FUN during comp study |
Exchanges were amazing! We have some truly wonderful sisters here and I feel so blessed to be able to have gone on exchanges with them. We have 4 companionships all together in the District and so I went on 6 exchanges overall. Oh, so funny story. ,I was on exchanges with a sister who is in her first transfer her name is Sister Quidiman. She is from Chile. She was getting ready to go to bed and she spilled her makeup remover all over the desk and floor. When I saw it happen I gently helped her clean it up and was just really calm with her, even though these desks were brand new and the mission is very protective with what goes on or in the desk. I was a little worried that something could get ruined. Well, Sister Quidiman looks over at me and said, "Sister, you are so patient. How are you so patient?" I just started laughing so hard. "Haha, you think I'm patient? That's a funny story, I'm beyond patient." She was like, "How are you not patient?" I'm like, "Oh trust me. I'm not a patient person." It was just really funny because reality is I'm not all that patient and so it was just really comical that she thought I was patient.
My comp looking good for the camera |
The Work:
To be honest, the work has been going pretty slow lately. The Square has been beyond dead the past week or two. I think this morning I saw maybe 5 people. So it's been a bit of a challenge finding new investigators. We have and it hasn't been that bad but we are finding that right now a lot of it is "trolls" or just members needing help with various things. This is usually expected because we are in our down season here in regards to people who aren't LDS coming to the Square. It will be like this for a couple more months (except during Christmas, of course). We will be VERY BUSY starting next Friday but a lot of people who come will be members of the church. But we aren't letting that get us down. Even though its been a tad bit slow we are determined to change that. We are now finally back together (me and my "regular" companion) and can really focus on bringing our numbers back up. I haven't talked to Wendell in a week so I don't know what happened last Thursday with the local missionaries. I will more than likely call him tomorrow. Julio - oh gotta love him. He is doing great! He attended church again on Sunday and is always super excited to tell me about it. He mentioned that he always tries to hide and not pay attention when they ask for someone to say the prayer, that way he doesn't have to say it. He told me, "The elders, yah the elders volunteered me to say the closing prayer during Priesthood. I never say it because I always turn my head and pretend I'm busy." I got a really good laugh from that. Haha gotta love him! I'm hoping someday I can meet him. He just cracks me up. I wish you could be on the phone with me when I call him. You would just be laughing the whole time. He is originally from Puerto Rico but now lives in Pennsylvania. Anyway, I don't think anything else has happened.
Raymond at his baptism |
Oh yah, I forgot to mention, so Raymond, my other recent convert (I will attach a picture), received the Priesthood on Sunday!! He came on "chat" super excited to tell me all about it. He was baptized 3 weeks ago but apparently some of the paperwork got lost so that's why it took 3 weeks (he was waiting for his membership #). So that was really exciting.
Mom, you said it was nothing big. Well FYI I cried!! Receiving that isn't something small for a missionary. Thank you so much for sending it. Michael I love you! Thanks for the idea. It made my day Broski! It's something I will always treasure. It brought tears to my eyes as I was looking through the pictures. Haha, I couldn't stop laughing though when I saw the picture with Uncle Mark sitting on mom's lap. You know the picture I'm talking about. Or seeing dad's shirt cut with part of the shirt in Brandon's nose from his bloody nose. I miss you 4 so much and will never forget the Family trip. It was one of my favorites and I'm so glad I was able to spend those 2 weeks before I entered the MTC with some of my Best Friends, aka - my family. I love you so much! Again, thank you so much for the book. You did a very good job! I was not expecting that at all!! All the sisters were just amazed to with it. (I attached pictures).
10 year old boys and a Finding Faith in Christ DVD:

Pass Along Cards:
They really do work, believe it or not! I can't tell you how often we get chats or calls from individuals wanting to know more or wanting a DVD because missionaries just handed them the pass along card. It's funny, sometimes people come on chat and I say, "So what can we do for you today?" Their reply, "I don't really know. Some guys just handed me this card and told me to come on here." So, people really do follow through. Pass along cards are great tools to use!!! You should use them! :)
Christmas training |
Are you coming to see the lights?!?! I'm so excited!! We had Christmas training last Thursday for Relief Society. Yes, there is training for Christmas time. We have about 8 different assignments that we needed to be trained on because starting next Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, we will have thousands of people here every night for about 6 weeks. They have been putting up all the Christmas stuff since July. I'm so excited for the lights to come on. It will be beyond tiring though. They say it's like General Conference (in regards to the crowds) every night from 5-10. Once the lights turn on we get brand new schedules and we go on Christmas schedules. We will get only 30 minutes for dinner and we will be on the Square multiple times a week till 10 pm which means we won't be in bed till about 11:30 every night. Oh, and that reminds me, we will go on normal P-Day schedule while the lights are on. So P-Day will be from 10 am - 6 pm instead of 1 pm - 9 pm. That will be a little different because I'm used to P-day starting at 1 but they need all sisters to be on the Square at night time because of the huge crowds we will have. So we have to go to normal p-day time while the lights are on.
Savior of The World:
Getting ready to preview "Savior of the World" movie |
This Gospel is true! There is no denying it. I just cant express my gratitude to my Father in Heaven enough for allowing me this opportunity to come on a mission to learn, to grow and most importantly to serve his children. This is beyond hard! But I wouldn't trade it for the world! Life was never meant to be easy! Family and friends I love you so much! And hope you each are doing well!! Continue to be who your Heavenly Father needs you to be! Don't give up on him! Love you!!!
Till next week!!
Sister Skaggs
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