To All I Love,
Sister Skaggs |
To be honest, I feel like it isn't even Christmas yet. Maybe because all of the Christmas lights are still on which means it feels like its only like Dec. 20th. Probably should try and realize that it is the New Year. Hope you each had a great New Years Eve and a great New Years Day! I will briefly share later on what I did for New Years Eve. It isn't much at all because we are missionaries but it doesn't need to be much anyways. Well I should get started with all that has occurred, shouldn't I.
Moving Forward Towards Baptism:
Enjoy your So Cal weather! |
Well, it's happening. Tomorrow will become one of my FAVORITE DAYS! My heart is filled with so much joy right now. We have had a really busy week filled with a lot to do, which is always the best, but it has meant that we haven't had a whole lot of time to do missionary work in our area. It is hard when you're called to be a missionary but you can't do so. But one thing I have come to learn is responsibility we are given with our call to be a missionary falls within the realms of Missionary Work even if it may not be the way we want it to be. However, yesterday morning while on exchanges we were able to make the time to call several of our investigators in Kakata to see how things were going with their preparations for baptism on Saturday. Let me remind you it has been a little stressful this week because as of Sunday the Elders there still hadn't been by to see them and well, they are getting baptized this Saturday. When we had called President Harmon on Sunday he mentioned that the Elders weren't too worried meeting with the people we have been working with. Which is great, but we don't always have the time to call them, and they cannot be baptized unless the Elders have met with them. We recognized that all things are in the hands of the Lord, that is something we must trust in. And have faith in what He is doing. Sure enough, we called them yesterday and they are doing just fine. We called Gaiduwo and she was in the middle of the market and so we could barely hear her but we asked how things have been and she replies by saying "just fine". Gaiduwo mentioned that she met with the Elders on Tuesday and then earlier in the day on Thursday. She said "We talked about The Book of Mormon and Baptism", and that she is getting baptized on Saturday morning. She said, "I just came from the church from my interview for my baptism on Saturday." We asked if she was excited and she was like "yahh!" She giggled and was like, "Yes, I'm excited to be baptized." She has waited a year and a half for her baptism. It's hard to believe that it is actually happening tomorrow.
Christmas presents for all the Sisters on the Square! |
We then had the opportunity to call Siannes to see how she was doing and if the missionaries were able to come by. She mentioned that they have come by twice this week as well and that they talked to her about Joseph Smith, Prophets, The Book of Mormon, and The Plan of Salvation. We asked if they talked about the baptism and she said, "Yes. I'm getting baptized on Saturday." We asked when she was getting baptized and she said she is getting baptized at 10 AM on Saturday morning. She is really excited to be baptized. She has a little girl who is about 18 months old named Comfor. It brings a smile to our face knowing that this little girl is going to grow up with the gospel firmly rooted within her home. She may not have the best living conditions but she has a mom who's testimony is firmly rooted in the Gospel. She is a faithful woman, devoted to doing the Lord's will. Siannes is a Daughter of God who understands who she is and knows the only thing of value is the Gospel. My testimony is edified each week as I hear the power that comes as she boldly declares and testifies to me what she knows to be true. It causes us to reflect on our standing within the Lord's church. Are we faithfully and firmly rooted within his Gospel? Are our hearts set on the correct course that will bring us back to him?
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Christmas on the Square |
We are excited for each of them and for the fact that they will be able to finally make this covenant with their Father in Heaven. The Baptism will be this Saturday. We don't know the exact number of how many people will be baptized. We will know more on Sunday when we call President Harmon. Last we heard it was going to be 15 this weekend and then 15 on the 15th of this month. In regards to Skyping the baptism, we won't be able to but that is okay. We wouldn't be able to anyways because the baptism is at 10 AM their time so 3 AM our time. We are just happy that the day they are looking forward to is finally arriving! Hopefully I will have pictures to send. President Harmon would like to send to me a picture of how he puts it "all the converts" before their baptism.
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Sister Brooks and Sister Skaggs and photobomber :) |
This journey we have been on has been a humbling one, to see how the Lord will move mountains in all corners of the world to bring our Father in Heavens children the truth. Half of my mission has been teaching and serving these amazing people. Never did I think coming onto my mission that this would ever happen, being able to be used in bringing the gospel to the hearts of our Father in Heavens children to people who live thousands of miles away from me. We must never underestimate the Lord's plan for each of us.
This Journey:
Me and my comp - Sister Tagliavia |
Over the course of these 17 1/2 months that is one key thing I have learned. The importance of ALWAYS trusting in the Lord and his plan for us. When we seek to be diligent to his plan and listen to the simple whisperings of the spirit, we will find that the greatest joy we will ever experience can and will only come from following his plan. Will we slip up? Yes we will. That is where the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ comes into play. That is when we seek to make that change and ask for forgiveness. I have seen that play a vital role in my life over my mission as I have seen things of myself that I know I must change. It will only be done with his help. It is the simple phrase that my companion loves to say, "What lack I yet?".
At the start of 2016 I invite you to ask that simple phrase, "What lack I yet?" We are at the time when we are to see the vision for what the Lord sees us to be. With these next 365 days how will you allow the Lord's vision for you become a reality? With the Lord's help it can be accomplished.
And another one! |
Know I love you and am eternally grateful for the privilege I have been given to be a missionary. It is by far the HARDEST thing I have ever done! But it is the MOST REWARDING thing. The purest joy comes from following our Savior Jesus Christ. That is what I have learned over the course of my mission. I'm grateful for the time I have left to seek to give him my all. My time in his service isn't over yet and I'm grateful for the extra time he is giving me.
A Week Coming to a Close:
More pics of me and my comp |
I don't have much time left so I need to be brief with this. I feel I haven't shared with you much about what has been happening here. Earlier in the transfer I mentioned that the Lord extended to me the call to be a District Leader. With that responsibility comes the opportunity to go on exchanges with every sister in the district. It is one of my favorite parts of the transfer, because you have this one on one time with each sister to really work with them, to learn and to grow together and find ways to be more effective and to encourage them in areas that are most needed. For this transfer we felt that we needed to do 24 hours with one of the companionships. We usually will just do a 12 hour exchange here in this mission but we can go longer as the spirit directs. I had the consistent thought and feeling that 24 hours will be needed. Last night for New Years I was on 24 hours with Sister Brooks. It was actually really special to be with her to ring in the New Year. Since we are on Christmas Schedule still we are to be in bed at 11:45. So we just sat in bed and talked as we fell asleep and awaited till 12 to ring in the new year. Which consisted of "Happy New Year! Can you believe its 2016? Wow, that is crazy. Okay, it's 12:00 now. Goodnight."
Grateful for this week to have had the opportunity to be able to learn and grow from each of these sisters. It will be a great transfer. One that will be busy, but that is totally okay!
Here is a quote I would like to share: "Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice but a continuous commitment and way of life that applies at all times and in all places." Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Well, I love you each and hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2016 will be a year filled with becoming what the Lord envisions you to be and accomplish!
Love Always,
Sister Skaggs
Skyping with the family on Christmas (this one was reluctantly put in by Sis. Skaggs mom -- I look tired with those puffy eyes and not even looking at the right spot on the computer! Sigh) |
Grandma Susan showed up while skyping with the family so I got to skype with her, too! |
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