To All I Love,
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Part of my district...waiting to take a tour at the Beehive House. |
As we keep pressing forward with faith doing what the Lord needs us to do now and keeping an eternal perspective, before we know it, time has flown by. I'm amazed with how fast my mission has gone by and how time keeps ticking by faster and faster. But it makes us stop and think - are we doing all that the Lord requires from us? Are we allowing the Lord into the details of our lives? Have we learned from the trials that we have been faced with? How are we using the time we are given each day to its fullest? Do we end our day saying I did what was required of me today? The Lord teaches us through experiences and allows us to learn through trials we are faced with.
Spiritual Capacity:
The Lord recognizes each and everyday what he needs us to experience in order for us to reach our Divine Potential. These past 5 days have been examples in my own life that have allowed me to recognize the role of the Spirit in our own individual conversion to this divine plan. These past couple of weeks, for some reason, I have just felt off. To an extent that I just can't describe. Do you ever just get into those moods where you just feel weird and just like bleh? Haha - maybe it's just me. This past one started on Friday when President Poulsen stopped me in the hallway and asked to speak with me. It didn't shock me because I knew things would be changing next transfer. When President informed me of what the Lord had called me to do next transfer it wasn't surprising because I knew to an extent it was going to happen. However, at the same time I didn't know because of what everyone assumed was going to happen. The Zone Leaders, whom I have become super close with this past transfer, were able to sit down with me on Saturday and reassure me of the call the Lord has extended to me again this transfer. I was completely fine after I talked with them and was happy and confident and excited for the call that the Lord has extended to me. It was interesting though because on Sunday I just felt different, a weird different and I couldn't pinpoint the cause of it. This is an excerpt to what I wrote to President Poulsen about this:
"One of the biggest lessons I have learned this week is how the spirit leads us to our own individual conversion. For some reason I have caught myself lately, a little bit more frequent than usual, in these weird moods. And I'm never able to find the source of what is causing it. Which, to be honest, at moments can be a little frustrating because if you don't know the source then it's hard to pick yourself up out of it. This past Sunday for some strange reason I just couldn't get myself out of it this time, no matter what I did. Sister Chazen and I were talking about it trying to figure out the source when we both felt prompted we needed to ask for a Priesthood blessing right then and there before we left to go home for evening studies. As Elder Richardson put his hands on my head, and throughout the entire blessing, I haven't felt the spirit as strong and close before in my life, but most importantly my Savior that close. The power that comes from the Priesthood as we have the right desire is real and overwhelmingly powerful. Whatever was causing me to be just plain off, literally left me. I can't explain it. The Spirit is the true source of our conversion to the Gospel. It was everything I needed at that given moment and the strength I need to magnify my call these next two transfers as the Lord has given me the mantle of training this new daughter of his into the missionary he expects her to become. From the past 2 experiences of training I want to make sure this next experience and most crucial out of the three is done right and properly. It for sure wont be easy. It would be nice if it was but then it wouldn't allow us to grow. But as the Lord is in the details of our companionship he will lead us in what needs to be done."
Feeling and recognizing the spirit in our lives is something that is vital and so very crucial. What occurred on Sunday was powerful and something that I truly can't describe to you. The moment Elder Richardson (SENIOR COUPLE) laid his hands on my head to give this blessing was an experience that was crucial. Feeling the Spirit in that capacity was indescribable.
Side Note: Family your emails came at the right time. Mom Sunday was the day that I was really struggling and then that night as I was reading my emails I saw that you sent me a simple email that just said "I Love You, Mom" which was everything I needed to hear. And then Dad, I read your email last night, because the WiFi didn't update me on Sunday. But when you wrote about the family praying for me and saying "we prayed that you would feel our love in that very moment. And we hoped you did feel our love at that moment." I wondered if that happened right as I was getting my Priesthood Blessing. The strangest thing occurred towards the end of the Priesthood Blessing. Elder Richardson made a few comments and I literally felt arms wrap around my shoulders and someone touching my left shoulder. I couldn't pinpoint who it was but I knew it was people I knew. As he started the blessing he said "I say this as if your Dad was giving you this blessing." I felt as if you were saying it dad. Family the Lord is far more aware of our needs than we know and can comprehend! I love you sooooo much! And I feel blessed to have a family who is in-tuned to the spirit! I'm just blessed with a marvelous family!! :) <3
Yesterday was another prime example for me of allowing the spirit to speak through us. Also how we can see the Lord in the details of our lives. Sister Chazen was having a rough day for various reasons and then towards the end of the day had a really bad migraine which stopped her from working. The Zone Leaders mentioned that she just needs to go home which put us going home 30 minutes earlier than we were supposed to. At first I was a little irritated because I really wanted to go to the Square but we recognized that it wouldn't be beneficial since she can't work right now. While she went to bed I was supposed to pack since I'm moving, but it didn't play out the way I intended it to. One of our roommates started asking me all of these questions which I thought was a little off because she usually doesn't do such a thing. At one point she asks this particular question which led me to ask her if she had ever watched the video "Missionary Work and the Atonement". This Sister commented that she indeed watched it yesterday but it did nothing for her. I proceeded to ask if she prayed with real intent beforehand. She hesitated and said, "Kind of, but no." I commented that I had it on my iPad and that I wanted to watch it with her. Before we watched it together we prayed that the Lord would guide us and lift the burdens that were placed upon our shoulders. The short video, as usual, was really powerful. But the one part that I want to share with you was a powerful moment and sacred moment, one where the spirit bore witness to me of the power that is real and how we are used as instruments in the Lord's hands. As we sat there just talking on the floor she ended up opening up to me on what she is facing internally. Her entire life she has this problem with these really scary and real dreams that she has. One of her recent dreams was about her dad who left her when she was just a baby and what was happening now. This Sister commented to me that it never bothered her that she didn't have her dad in her life until the dream she had about a month ago. The most recent dream has been something she can't get off her mind and it has really bothered her a lot, and that she is seeking healing from it. In that moment for some reason I said something to her which I don't know exactly what I said to her but something that I knew for sure her Heavenly Father was needing to tell her. At first I was hesitant because it isn't my place to say, in general, what I said. She then just burst out in tears which scared me for a second wondering what had just occurred and if I really was supposed to say that. She didn't make a peep for what seemed like an eternity. Longest 3 minutes of my life. She then briefly and softly said, "Something far greater is occurring here. That wasn't you that spoke, Sister Skaggs. Your voice changed in a way that was completely different. It wasn't you speaking but the Spirit talking through you. Something far greater just occurred. What was said is what I have to do." At that moment the same feeling I had felt the night before came back and bore a strong and overwhelming witness to me of the reality of the spirit. The spirit is real. It bears witness to us of truth, to what we need to know that will guide and direct us. Feeling the spirit in that capacity is something that is real. It's open to each of us. Family, these two experiences are something I hold sacred, but I share them out of love and a way for us to each learn and recognize the power of the spirit in our own lives. The spirit is the true converter and teacher. What occurred in just a 24 hour time span here was something that I can't comprehend. I know without a doubt that this Gospel is true. God does have a plan prepared for each of us who will come unto his Son, Jesus Christ. I can testify that our life isn't done when we die. It's real. It's crucial to prepare and to use our time to its fullest here, because this time is a fragment to the span of eternity that lies ahead of us. It is a blessing to have this truth at our fingertips. It's our option to just look at it, touch it, hold it or to embrace it. How do you hold this truth? How do you allow the spirit to bear witness to you of this truth? How does this truth allow you to be an instrument to the hearts of those you meet?
New Beginnings:
As you briefly read above, I am training again next transfer. I must not have done it right these past 2 times. I guess third times the charm right?! I was given the opportunity to follow up train Sister Stoddard, then Inbound train Sister Lin and now I'm training a new missionary from the MTC!
I'm excited for what lays in store these next couple of transfers and for this opportunity to train this Sister. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. It’s interesting how the Lord really does know us. These past couple of weeks I have been curious as to what the Lord had in store for me the remaining part of my mission. Part of me was starting to get a little uneasy because I didn’t know if I would be given the opportunity to train a new missionary. I have trained on two different occasions on my mission and was telling myself I was okay with it. However, in the back of my mind I wondered if I had proven myself worthy to the Lord to be given the opportunity to train a new missionary. I’m excited to be with her and to meet her and to help her in any way that the Lord needs me to help her. These next two transfers will be a time of growth, love, service and fun. I ultimately want to see her as I have seen Sister Chazen, someone who is equal. I want to work with her like we did together this past transfer.
This is what I shared with President Poulsen in my email to him today. This time to train is something I'm super excited for. It kind of shocked some people because EVERYONE thought I would be a Zone Leader next transfer. But deep down while I did want to be a Zone Leader I really wanted to train again. Yes, I have trained on several occasions throughout my mission but I haven't had the experience to train a missionary straight from the MTC. It will be such a fun time being able to just love and serve her. There honestly isn't a big difference. She is just a little bit newer than me... 10x newer, but that really isn't a whole lot. :) I can tell the Lord needs me to go back to the basics. We only have 8 new sisters coming in which is shocking because we average 25-30 new sisters every transfer. President is expecting as of right now 32 new sisters next transfer. Anyways things are going well! And I'm really excited. Oh and NEW P-DAY!!! My NEW P-DAY is ON MONDAY! I will have to tell you ALL about my new companion on Monday!
Well I better get going. Today has been crazy with the Churches Internet network crashing and everything else which is why my emails are so scattered over like a 5 hour time period. Gotta love the Internet! I love you each so very much! Be safe and know I love you! Oh and happy 24th Wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!!! So crazy!!! Wow you're getting old!! ;) But wait, the older you get means I get older to... Next year you will be married for 25 years!! Crazy to think about that. Excited for our family cruise next year for your 25th wedding anniversary.
Love Always,
Sister Skaggs
Beautiful spiritual enjoyment . Thank you for this true life experience.