To All I love,
Future Traits to Render Now:
Sister Brito from Brazil is my new companion! From what I have observed and experienced with her these past couple of days she will be a phenomenal missionary later on in her mission. I look forward to coming back in a year to see her and to see who she has developed into. Bragging about companions is pretty fun sometimes and one thing I want to brag about is she loves to learn and the best part is she learns fast! :) I feel like a mom! Wayyy to young to be a mom though. This is a different type of motherhood though, just want to make that very clear! But when you get put into the shoes of training a new missionary for a time you step into the role of being a mom. You vision what you want her to become and seek for ways to love, to serve and to teach. You ultimately recognize that what you do now ultimately shapes the rest of her mission or in other terms the rest of her life. But it first starts with showing that unconditional love no matter what and not making a fuss over the little mistakes that are made. But seeking for opportunities to show her how she can fulfill her potential and ultimately how she is already fulfilling her potential... As I type this I really feel like a mom... Back to the point. For example, Sister Brito is really wanting to learn the History which is every new missionaries fear here when they get to Temple Square. We decided what better way to learn than to learn where the history was made. We were talking last night and I asked her what she is wanting to learn first and she mentioned the Tabernacle. For studies this morning we went to the Tabernacle before Temple Square officially opened and studied and role played giving tours in the actual Tabernacle. It was a really special experience for both us as we were able to work together in the actual place we will be giving tours and seek for ways we can improve the quality of tours that will be given. Sister Brito is AMAZING! She is very shy though at first until she is comfortable with you or where she is at. At the start she was nervous to give me a tour by herself, but I kept reassuring her to listen to the spirit. The spirit is the ultimate and true teacher. As she is giving me a tour she found a way to tie it in to the families very nicely and consistently bridge back and forth the History of the Tabernacle to the Gospel. One of the even greater moments was when another set of sisters in training came into the Tabernacle and we role played with them. I would say it was like our 4th time role playing, and remember, she is really nervous to be doing this, she looks at the 'pretend family' and says "If you came to know that God reveals direction through a prophet for you and your family today would you be willing to listen to the words of the prophet?" I was just dumbfounded when she said that. I'm like, "You're not shy, companion. Look at what you just said that is powerful and led by the spirit." I was able to bridge it on over and invite the 'pretend family' (sister missionaries) to refer. It was amazing though, to see her. I definitely did not do that at the start of my mission!
Seeking to Comfort the Lonely - I don't want this to seem like it has been super easy because it most definitely hasn't been. It has been hard for both of us. For me it's hard as I see the pain she is experiencing and as she has had many moments of tears. That's when it gets hard for me to see her in pain, and the only thing I can do is to love her and be her friend. On Friday I woke up with a horrible pain in my stomach and I at first thought it was due to stress from the dream I had the night before. I had a tremendous nightmare that night and I remember really stressing out because I couldn't find a place to hide from the bad guys that were coming for me. And so when I didn't feel well the next day I thought that's what it must be from. As we were on the Square I just wasn't doing well at all. I told Sister Brito I needed to take a break. As we were in TC she was taking some golden Portuguese chats and I was just sitting there one second shaking cause I was so cold and then the next moment just super hot. I decided to lay on the floor because I wasn't feeling well at all. The next moment I was at the trash can and then I was sent home. You know what happened. It wasn't completely stress but I somehow managed to get the stomach flu, which kept me home all day Friday and Saturday to make sure I was really good and that I could keep things down. On Saturday Sister Brito went to Brighton, which I was supposed to go with her but I was out sick so I couldn't go. I was talking to her that night and she just opened up to me about how alone she felt with me being gone. She said, "I thought it would be easy to make friends but it's harder than I thought. I just feel really alone with you being gone." That just shattered my heart. I felt hopeless because I had no choice but to be at home because I had the flu. One thing it made me stop and think about is, do we reach out to those around us? How many of our neighbors are alone? Who do we pass by at school that may seem fine but is lonely? Are we going the extra mile?
I read this article about President Monson today. Here is the excerpt that stood out to me, "Over the years, President Monson has become known as a man of great compassion. He has spent countless hours visiting people in hospitals, care centers, and their homes, bringing comfort and cheer and often giving priesthood blessings or joining patients’ families in fervent prayer."

As I was reading this I thought about who we are becoming. Are we reaching out to those who are in need of our comfort? Are we becoming children of God with great compassion??
I'm doing great. The work is progressing and I couldn't be happier! I'm excited for these next couple of transfers that I will get to spend with my companion and to see her progress and become what Heavenly Father expects her to become!
Baptisms Coming Soon in Liberia:
Elder and Sister Clarke from the Seventy:
Sister Clarke-
Elder Clarke (1st Quorum of the 70)-
1. Most important of all is our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ
Well I better get going. Hopefully I didn't miss anything! I'm doing so well, honestly, I love being with Sister Brito and everything I'm learning. To be honest, it's giving me a glimpse of what Motherhood is somewhat like. I know its nothing like it but it's a slight glimpse into the responsibility of it. Family, know I love you and yes I'm healthy again! I have been back to work for 2 days now. Well, yesterday and today, and we are working our absolute hardest! Continue to do what the Lord expects of you and you will go far in life! Be Safe!!
When you stop and think about it it's amazing just how fast the time really does go by. And when you have the desire, all the things the Lord teaches you or that you learn from the people that you meet or from what you experience on a day to day basis.
Future Traits to Render Now:
Seeking to Comfort the Lonely - I don't want this to seem like it has been super easy because it most definitely hasn't been. It has been hard for both of us. For me it's hard as I see the pain she is experiencing and as she has had many moments of tears. That's when it gets hard for me to see her in pain, and the only thing I can do is to love her and be her friend. On Friday I woke up with a horrible pain in my stomach and I at first thought it was due to stress from the dream I had the night before. I had a tremendous nightmare that night and I remember really stressing out because I couldn't find a place to hide from the bad guys that were coming for me. And so when I didn't feel well the next day I thought that's what it must be from. As we were on the Square I just wasn't doing well at all. I told Sister Brito I needed to take a break. As we were in TC she was taking some golden Portuguese chats and I was just sitting there one second shaking cause I was so cold and then the next moment just super hot. I decided to lay on the floor because I wasn't feeling well at all. The next moment I was at the trash can and then I was sent home. You know what happened. It wasn't completely stress but I somehow managed to get the stomach flu, which kept me home all day Friday and Saturday to make sure I was really good and that I could keep things down. On Saturday Sister Brito went to Brighton, which I was supposed to go with her but I was out sick so I couldn't go. I was talking to her that night and she just opened up to me about how alone she felt with me being gone. She said, "I thought it would be easy to make friends but it's harder than I thought. I just feel really alone with you being gone." That just shattered my heart. I felt hopeless because I had no choice but to be at home because I had the flu. One thing it made me stop and think about is, do we reach out to those around us? How many of our neighbors are alone? Who do we pass by at school that may seem fine but is lonely? Are we going the extra mile?
I read this article about President Monson today. Here is the excerpt that stood out to me, "Over the years, President Monson has become known as a man of great compassion. He has spent countless hours visiting people in hospitals, care centers, and their homes, bringing comfort and cheer and often giving priesthood blessings or joining patients’ families in fervent prayer."
As I was reading this I thought about who we are becoming. Are we reaching out to those who are in need of our comfort? Are we becoming children of God with great compassion??
I'm doing great. The work is progressing and I couldn't be happier! I'm excited for these next couple of transfers that I will get to spend with my companion and to see her progress and become what Heavenly Father expects her to become!
Baptisms Coming Soon in Liberia:
Guess what?!?! OPI is being BAPTIZED this week!!! I cannot wait to hear all about it! It was supposed to be on Saturday but due to the bad weather ("downpour" is what they call it) not everybody showed up. I cannot wait for him to be baptized. He is excited and so prepared to be baptized. Many of our other investigators there are all prepared. The only set back is the marital certificate, which I strongly dislike now! Why? Because it's a simple piece of paper that is stopping people from progressing towards eternal salvation. Be grateful that we live in a place where it's not hard to get one. There it used to be 20$ now its 50$ but for them that is really really expensive. I have recognized that it is a way for the Lord to test their faith and conversion to his Gospel. But I have faith that all will work itself out.
Elder and Sister Clarke from the Seventy:
For Sacrament meeting on Sunday we had the privilege of hearing from Elder and Sister Clarke from the 70. The things they shared were powerful. Here are a few of the notes that I took as I was able to listen to them and to what the spirit shared with me:
Sister Clarke-
We never know where our future will take us. We must stay grounded within the gospel so the Lord can trust us in all things. Our children are up in heaven cheering us on. Cheering for us to do what I must do. As we render and strengthen our testimonies of the Gospel we will be able to rear our children within the gospel and will be able to help them in all things that they will be afflicted with.
Elder Clarke (1st Quorum of the 70)-
It's not about where we go [on a mission] but it's about who our Mission President is. We must seek and follow their counsel in all things.
He mentioned to us four things we MUST HAVE A TESTIMONY OF.
1. Most important of all is our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ
- We must know his Life, his Atonement, and his Resurrection!!!!! - Do we dwell in a dwelling that is Christ centered?
- Do we talk about Christ to all we meet?
2. We must know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God
3. We must know that the Book of Mormon is true
- Love the Book
- The Book of Mormon is the most correct book of any other book in the world.
- Do you love the Book of Mormon? Do you read it in your free time? The Book of Mormon should be a book you seek to read ALL the time!
- Our marriage and relationship with our Savior must be centered on the most correct book of all mankind - The Book of Mormon.
4. The family is the central unit within the church
- Be the kind of young women men would be lined up to date, only exceptional worthy young men!!
- Temple Marriage is crucial!! I must be praying now for a man who will take me to the Temple and plead with the Savior that I will find a young man who will prepare me and our family for the Celestial Kingdom.
- It starts today, family prayer, family scripture study, family home evening
- There is a Tsunami coming. Elder Ballard testified of this to Elder Clarke as he served in Guatemala. Tsunamis destroy everything!!! We must hold family prayer and scripture study every night.
Well I better get going. Hopefully I didn't miss anything! I'm doing so well, honestly, I love being with Sister Brito and everything I'm learning. To be honest, it's giving me a glimpse of what Motherhood is somewhat like. I know its nothing like it but it's a slight glimpse into the responsibility of it. Family, know I love you and yes I'm healthy again! I have been back to work for 2 days now. Well, yesterday and today, and we are working our absolute hardest! Continue to do what the Lord expects of you and you will go far in life! Be Safe!!
Love Always,
Sister Skaggs
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