Time To Say Goodbye:

It's crazy to think that I'm already being transferred and I have only been here in Spotsylvania for 4 1/2, almost 5, weeks. I feel as if a part of my heart is having to stay behind. We both thought that I would stay here or that we would stay together. Well, Wednesday we were talking with the STL's and they mentioned to us that it's usually 50/50 that Temple Square Sisters stay in their first area or that they get transferred. When they informed me of that I was like great, I'm going to be leaving. Saturday is the dreaded day that every missionary in the mission is on the edge of their seat. We were waiting all day to see if we would get a phone call or not informing us of transfers. If the AP's called, you were getting transferred. If president called, you were training or getting a leadership position. And if you don't get a call, you're both staying in that area. But you have no idea and so from 10 AM - 9:30 PM you literally just have to keep the phone right next to you and you just wait to see if you get a call. Well, sure enough at about 7 PM the phone starts vibrating and I'm pretty sure I had a mini heart attack when I looked down and saw "AP-Elder Thomas". Sister Stoddard answered and he says, "How are you? May I speak with Sister Skaggs?" Not one of my fondest moments on my mission. He was like, "Sister Skaggs, how are you? Just wanted to let you know you are being transferred. Can you be at transfer conference on Tuesday?" I was like, "Wait. What? Uhhhh yah. I can be there." [Note from Sis. Skaggs mom.....that would have been funny if she said, "No. Can't be there" and then hung up!!]
To be honest, it was really hard accepting the fact that I was leaving. I have only been here for 4 1/2 weeks but I have developed some really close relationships with several members and with several investigators. So it was really hard the first 12 hours adjusting to this. But it was really neat because yesterday as I was studying during lunch I was really just asking Heavenly Father for that peace and comfort and understanding that this was his will. I decided to read a talk called "Continue in Patience". Several parts stood out about how we don't know why Heavenly Father does certain things but we must be patient with him. To be patient we must have a positive outlook because if we aren't then we are being selfish. That caught me off guard. I remember as I was finishing the talk just having a greater sense of understanding that I'm supposed to leave. I felt at peace even though I know it's going to be hard to leave this area. I felt at peace that this is the Lord's will. The Lord only needed me here in Spotsylvania for 4 1/2 weeks and that there is another area here in Virginia that he needs me to go to. I don't really know who I'm supposed to meet or why I'm supposed to be where I'm going but I can tell you I know that's where the Lord needs me to be. There are a lot of times in life when we are going to be asked to do hard things. But that's where our faith is tested. How are we willing to respond to those situations? Are we willing to trust in the Lord? Yes, its' going to be difficult but the Lord knows us perfectly. I'm excited for this change and I can't wait to tell you all about my new area, new people and new companion next week. Things work differently here so I won't find out anything until tomorrow afternoon and I won't be able to write till next p-day.
Saying Goodbye to those I love:

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to Scott and Tiffany and then Tom, Shannon, Haliegh and Christian. That is probably the hardest part -- saying goodbye to them. They have been such amazing examples to me as they have really taken the Gospel and despite everything they are going through really just striving to apply it to their life. They have become life long friends and I know I will always be in touch with them. I look forward to the day when they will have the opportunity to make those covenants with their Father in Heaven. They are each working towards baptism right now and I hope I can make it back to see them make this next step in their life while I'm still here or see it when I get back to Temple Square. The thing that I really love the most is the desire they have. They have told us that "I won't be baptized until I have that strong confirmation" which means they aren't just doing it to make us happy. They are doing it because they know that's what Heavenly Father needs them to do. I just love Scott and Tiffany so much. It was so hard saying goodbye. Scott, when I was leaving, was like, "You, Sister Skaggs, have become a part of our family. You have had an impact on our lives and we will always stay in contact with you. When we get baptized I will do whatever it takes to make sure you see it." He made some other comments that just brought me to tears. They have no idea how much of an impact they have had on my life. I will miss them so much!

Saying goodbye to Tom, Shannon, Haliegh and Christian was so hard as well! It's a good thing I'm not saying goodbye but just "see you later". They are such an amazing family! They have gone through a lot but they have such a desire and willingness to apply the gospel to their life. We have had some amazing miracles the past couple of days with them. It was so sad saying goodbye to little Haliegh. Haha, she is so funny. I just love her! I told her that when she gets baptized I will do whatever it takes to see it. She was like. "Okay." She drew me a picture of the 3 of us together. Every time I come over she immediately goes and gets the hymn book out of her purse and comes and sings with us. She is sooo cute! When we come over now I ask her, "Haliegh, what song do you want to sing?" She responds back nice and quite "Families Can Be Together Forever". So that's what we sing every time we go over. She sits between Sister Stoddard and I on the couch and we will sing that song with her. I can't wait for the day when the four of them become an eternal family! :)
The members here have been remarkable! I feel so incredibly blessed to have developed such close relationships with several members and families here in the Spotsylvania Ward! I will miss them tremendously but I promised several people I would be back so it gives me an excuse to come back! :)

Last night I went to several families to say goodbye. It's never fun saying bye to those you grow to love. There is one sister in the ward - she actually was baptized just one year ago and went through the Temple on Saturday. She is AMAZING! I think of her as my Grandma away from home. She is sooo sweet and caring. I just cried with her last night when I said goodbye. She just hugged me and let me cry. She is amazing and has such a strong faith. Soooo many things were getting in her way of going to the temple but she finally was like, "Even if I have to ride to the Temple in an ambulance I'm still going on Saturday." She is so funny. I love her.

This morning I had to say goodbye to another family that I have really grown to love so much! The two older daughters were just going to meet us at Chick-fil-A but then the mom found out I was leaving. So they drove 45 minutes from their home to say goodbye to me. I just love the Bognars so much and I feel so blessed to have gotten to know them! Family, I can't express to you just how amazing the people are that I have gotten to know here. I feel like I'm leaving a piece of my heart here in Spotsy.
I'm sad to be leaving but I know this is what the Lord needs me to do! I will let you know next week what happens in regards to transfers! I'm excited for this new adventure. Oh, also can you believe I'm almost half way done with outbound!! Ahhh!! I just wish I could stay forever! I LOVE being here! Know that I love you all and I hope you have a great week this week! Oh and please don't write me at the address anymore!! If you do I wont get it for awhile because Sis. Stoddard will have to forward it to me.
Love you!!!!
Sister Skaggs
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