Thursday, March 12, 2015

Becoming a Disciple of Christ

I love you all,

Not much happened this week to really write home about that I can think of off the top of my head. But I'm sure as I start to write I will think of things that happened.

The Ward:
I mentioned briefly this past week about the ward here. Honestly, this is one of the biggest aspects of missionary work that I will miss when I go back to Temple Square in the next couple of weeks. I have been beyond blessed with the two wards Heavenly Father has allowed me to serve in so far since being here. It has really been neat being able to observe from a missionary point of view how these members fulfill their callings, how they work with missionaries and just the absolute desire they have to serve their Father in Heaven. One aspect that I love is Ward Council. The one thing that our bishop has asked of us missionaries is when we walk into ward council we only speak for 5 minutes. I love it! His vision is before we get there we know exactly what we need from the members of the Ward Council. We immediately just ask that we need this help from so and so for so and so, instead of us just walking in there and saying "so this is who we are in contact with and we need people to come to lessons". Instead, we pinpoint specific needs for these individuals and we pinpoint which member of the ward council (auxiliary) would be able to see that issue resolved. It's a really powerful way to have it done. Yesterday in Ward Council we proposed an idea about how to involve the youth with missionary work. When the elders first started proposing it, our Bishop looked at one of his counselors and just started chuckling. My initial thought was, "Why are you laughing about this idea? You love missionary work." After we finished proposing the idea our Bishop looked at us and said, "Let me tell you about an incident that occurred this morning when we were meeting as a Bishopric."

They were discussing about what they wanted to do for this months Bishop Youth Fireside since the theme for this month had to be moved to May. Well, as they were praying about it and discussing what they should do they just weren't getting an answer. Bishop worded it as "it was just a complete stupor of thought." And so they just finally left it alone and said "the Lord will answer it in his own due time. We have two weeks still." So the reason why they started chuckling was because unannounced to them, we were preparing our thoughts about proposing to them our Youth MTC [Missionary Training Center] that we wanted to hold for the youth in the ward which was going to start with a fireside. That right there is just a simple miracle of how the Lord answers prayers. The Lord was able to answer a bishoprics prayer through 4 young missionaries. It really just goes to show that we just must be patient with the Lord and with his timing.

Serving at the Assisted Living Place:

Being with the elderly for these 3 hours each week is probably one of my highlights every week besides doing missionary work. They always bring such a big smile to my face. Let me share with you little bit about some of them.

Bill - Oh Bill I just love him! He is always like "Oh that's sweet, I love you to." Or he will get up and just start walking away and we will be like, "Bill, where are you going? We aren't done yet." His reply, "I'm just going." We then go to bring him back and he is like, "Oh, we are going back now? Yah, I guess we can do that." He always tells us just how much he loves us. Last Sunday when we left I went to shake his hand goodbye and he instead, grabs my hand, clasps it and then pulls it to his mouth and gave my hand a kiss and was like, "Just want you to know I love ya." I'm like, "Thank you Bill. I love you too." His reply, "Oh you're welcome." He is just a character and knows how to bring a smile to our face.

Donna - She is so sweet! When I first met her she just kept staring at me and I didn't know why. Well, we helped them get settled for lunch and she is like, "You are just so pretty, I really love your hair. You are just really beautiful." And then Bill is like, "Yah, I agree." Every time Donna sees me now she is just like "you are really pretty". I love her. She is so sweet.

Mrs. Martha - She is the one who knows EVERY Hymn and she is really good at sleeping in her chair but while she sleeps she sings. I always count on her to sing. When she doesn't know the song then that's not good because no one else would know either. I just love Mrs. Martha.

Helen and Anna - I don't even know how to explain. They are the ones that crack me up the most. They are like inseparable best friends. When we first got there Helen looked at Anna and said, "Who are they? Why are they here?" And then she just makes little side comments the whole time. Then when we leave she is always like "Where are you going? Okay. Well, good luck." She is so funny. I love those two.
I just really love this opportunity I have to serve them for these 3 hours every week. It has ALWAYS been a dream of mine and it may be something I do after my mission. They have such sweet spirits and you truly can feel the love Heavenly Father has for them when we visit with them every week.

The Work:
The Missionary Work here is a little slower. It's just different. We are kept pretty busy - like tomorrow we will be going non stop the whole day with back to back appointments but then we have days where our schedule is just empty. We have Elders in our ward as well and they are in the same boat. We do have a little teaching pool but not as big as I would hope. But that's where you just have to get out and work, go hunting (that's my substitute for tracting). We do have another little 9 year old girl that we are working with right now named Daphene. She is so sweet and has such a strong desire to be baptized. She has been investigating for about a year now but her parents really want her to be completely converted to the Gospel so they said after a year she can be baptized. Well, the other day we were just stuck with what we were going to teach her next. After discussing it, we decide that we were going to put her on date [for baptism] and give her a visual to work towards. We put her on date for one that is fairly close. We are just really praying that her parent's hearts are softened and that they can see the change she is making in her life and her desire. She loves coming to church and just loves reading the Book of Mormon. So we are just working hard with her right now.

We do have other investigators right now that we are working with but they aren't at the point where we are making a whole lot of progress with them.

I hope everyone is doing well! Don't ever forget just how much the Lord loves each of you. You are of special worth and don't forget that. Being on a mission is something that truly changes you when you have the desire to do so. Heavenly Father really puts you through the refiners fire but I love it because it shows he loves us and wants us to change and grow. Going through rough times isn't always a bad thing. We have the choice to decide what our attitude is going to be in regards to each trial we are given.

This past week, and well, through this whole outbound experience, Heavenly Father has really shown me the importance of being diligent in all aspects of life. That has been something I have really focused my attention on in regards to change. The other day in personal study I was studying in Jacob 1 [Book of Mormon] and I believe it was Jacob 1:7 that talks about being diligent. As we are diligent and persevere through life, and most importantly, in the gospel, blessings will come. One of the greatest blessings is feeling that Heavenly Father trusts us and is pleased with what we are doing. I can testify that as you reflect on your life and think about what it is that Heavenly Father wants you to change, to become an even more effective disciple of Jesus Christ, he will show you. He will allow you the opportunity to grow and to change. That starts as we submit our will to him, turn ourselves over and allow him to show us our weakness.

Well, I need to get going! I love you all! And family, thank you for writing me. I'm excited to get your letters hopefully they came today! :) A lady just said the mailman pulled up so hopefully they are here. Haha - continue to become whom your Father in Heaven expects you to become. Be safe and know that Sister Skaggs loves you and your Heavenly Father does too!

Oh and guess what?? I have only 5 weeks left until I fly back to Temple Square!!! :(

Love Always,
Sister Skaggs

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