From 10/19/15
To All I Love!
"It is Time to Call him Again" -
At the start of this past transfer President Poulsen announced to the mission that this would become the Keystone Transfer. I'm sure you know where I am going with this. Thinking about it - what should be the Keystone in our life and how do we make it the keystone in our life? The answer - the Book of Mormon. The reason we go less active, we waver, lose faith, lose hope, etc. lies on one thing....our testimonies of The Book of Mormon. When we diligently seek to ponder, pray and read The Book of Mormon and act upon it's teachings we won't waver. We will have a renewed determination to stay steadfast and immovable in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A survey was taken by recent converts throughout the Church recently about where their conversion was at and only 1 OUT OF 20 said THE BOOK OF MORMON. That is a horrible statistic! When the Book of Mormon is the Keystone of our religion that would mean the Book of Mormon is to be at the Keystone of our conversion and continued conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. President and Sister Poulsen have done a lot this transfer at truly making the The Book of Mormon the center of all that we do. We have been invited as sisters to study for at least 30 minutes a day out of the Book of Mormon. My two favorite chapters recently have become Mosiah 26 & 27, which are phenomenal chapters to study and ponder! When we seek direction it should be from the Book of Mormon. They presented to us a formula (find the ISSUE, what are your FEELINGS, what are you NEEDING, now SEARCH the scriptures). I can testify that it works. Last transfer was a living example of such. That is how I found Alma 38:2-6.
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Homemade cookies from Mom! |
Being on a mission one thing that I have recognized is when you truly seek to forget yourself that is when it truly goes by. However, when that occurs that is when we, as disciples of Christ, are able to see even more the ways the Lord is able to use us in his hands only when we listen to the spirit. During this past week that is one thing that has been put to the test, but the blessings in return are remarkable. Last week my letter home was super short, which I'm sorry about. It is my goal to make it up though this week.
Listening to the Still Small Voice:
One thing I just love is the spirit! Think about it, if it weren't for the spirit would we be where we are today? If it wasn't for the spirit I, for sure, wouldn't be here on a mission. Thinking about how the spirit guides us is what I wanted to focus on today. There are several stories that I wanted to share with you about this past week in regards to that.
"Lets be an answer to her Prayers" -
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On exchanges with Sis. Nivaldo - she just had her wisdom teeth pulled |
We looked over to see this lady, probably mid twenties, walking near us and I thought to myself, "I want to talk with her". But it was a little awkward because before we could approach her she had sat down and started praying on a bench. My companion whispers to me, "Let's walk back around and be an answer to her prayers." I started thinking, "Haha - yah right. How are we going to be an answer to her prayers"... 'O ye of little faith' is what I think now. As we walked back around it looked like she was still praying and so we really awkwardly were just looking at her and as I turn my head she looks up. We quickly did the whole small talk to get into talking with her. She seemed fine as we started talking to her. She is a school teacher and her husband and her live near by and that was really it. It was interesting though, because as we were talking I got the impression that something was wrong. I started to change the conversation and act like there may be something wrong (only because I felt prompted to). As we were talking we were discussing about how the Book of Mormon gives us direction in our life. In that moment I felt that I needed to share with her this particular set of scriptures that brought me a lot of comfort and direction last transfer, Alma 38:2-6. As I was reading those verses she just had her eyes to the floor and so I couldn't really discern anything. After we were done she looked up and looked me in the eyes with several tears coming down and sincerely said, "That was a direct answer to my prayers right now." It caught me off guard. But at the same time made me stop and reflect upon a lot of things. I don't know what she is facing right now but in that moment this lady needed comfort, needed direction, and those scriptures, in that moment, were able to bring peace to her spirit. I was thinking about it as well. The only reason I came upon those scriptures was because of the trial I faced last transfer. If I didn't face that trial would I have found those scriptures to be able to help be used as an instrument in helping that lady? It reminds me of what Elder Moore (Senior Couple) said to me last transfer after one of the Priesthood Blessings I received. He mentioned that the experiences we have give us the opportunities to be able to better help and serve those around us. But that can go in two different directions. That trial could have been put in my path but what would have happened if I chose my agency differently? Would the Lord still have used me, or even yet, would I have been prepared to help this lady who was at this point? The answer, I cant give an answer because I don't know. It is food for thought. How do we prepare or how does the Lord prepare us to help his Children? A lot of the time it comes in ways we don't expect or recognize.
"It is Time to Call him Again" -
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Fun times with Sis. Nivaldo |
In previous transfers I have mentioned the name Morou to you several times. Due to the fact Morou wasn't really progressing I didn't really focus a whole lot of my attention on him. I haven't really talked to him in the past 2 months. Earlier this past week I had the feeling that it was time to call him again and see how things have been going. Yesterday we had the opportunity to talk to him and his wife (who is a member of the church), who both, by the way if you forgot, live in Liberia. As we were talking to them Sis. Jallaa, the wife, says to me, "Sister Skaggs. We need to start fresh with teaching my husband." I was like, "Okay. How have things been?" They proceed to tell me that Morou really would like to be baptized and we need to prepare him for baptism and more or less put a rush on his lessons. The next big step for him is the consistency he has had lately with attending church! That was a huge step of progress for him. We were able to review the first half of the Restoration with him yesterday and will finish the rest of it on Wednesday. It was interesting though, with this whole situation how the spirit works.....that very quietly, like a still small voice, I had a thought to call him and was able to hear of the excitement and determination in their voices to really prepare. It will be hard as Satan will go to town but with faith and diligence all things are possible. We look forward to hearing more about how he progresses. It is just amazing the way the spirit can work in our life. This gospel is amazing and marvelous things occur when we take the time to stop, listen and act upon the whisperings of the spirit.
The Keystone to Life:

On Thursday President Poulsen announced to us that 2 GUEST SPEAKERS would be coming to the mission for the next Relief Societies to speak with us. And because of it, Relief Society was being moved from Thursday to Wednesday because they have meetings Thursday mornings in the Temple. I'm very excited for who is coming this week. Elder JEFFREY R. HOLLAND from the Quorum of the 12 Apostles has been invited to speak with us this Wednesday morning for Relief Society. We are so excited! The only downfall is we have to be in our seats by 6:45 in the MORNING! Relief Society is usually at 7:30 A.M. but Elder Holland has asked to shake each of our hands and so he is going to come earlier to have time to do so. When it comes to his testimony of the Book of Mormon there is nothing that will shake his testimony. I know the spirit will be undeniably powerful in the room on Wednesday as he witnesses to each of us of his sacred witness of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. This Book is true. There is no way anyone can deny it as they receive a confirmed witness of it's truthfulness after they take the time to ponder over its teachings.
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The Vandenbrinks (from my home town) stopped in to say hi! |
Well I have to get going. But know that I love you each with my whole heart! I feel privileged to know you and to have you in my life. Know that I know that this Gospel has been restored for our time. That through a living Prophet our Savior Jesus Christ leads and guides this Church. And the way to draw nearer to him and to gain our own witness is through reading the Book of Mormon. I love you and hope you set the time aside each day to ponder on the precepts that are contained within this sacred book.
Be safe and know I love you and that Heavenly Father loves each of you no matter who you are! And with the Atonement of Jesus Christ anything can be made possible and whole.
Love Always,
Sister Skaggs
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