Replica of the statue
Moroni. He's tall! |
Well it seems to me as if these weeks seem to just be morphing into one big week now. And that is because there is no way it has already been a week. To be honest, nothing has really happened this past week. And so I don't really know what to write home. I'm sorry for that! I do want to share some thoughts with you that I have had time to ponder about and about changes to next transfer.
A lot this past week we have had the opportunity to ponder and reflect on what it means to accept the Lord's plan. When we accept the Lord's plan it means to accept it in a positive light and to faithfully press forward with a positive attitude. Our plan is NEVER the Lord's plan. And we need to learn how to humble ourselves to the Lord's will. We will never have control ultimately over the Lord's plan for us. But we have the agency to choose how we are going to react to that plan. Thinking about it, wouldn't his plan be better for us?? Wasn't it by him that we were created, which means he knows us perfectly? Wasn't it him that suffered for what we are going through? I recognize it isn't easy and it most definitely isn't easy but following the Lord's plan will never be easy because our experience on earth isn't meant to be easy. The Lord humbles us in our own unique different ways and I have been able to see that first hand these past 4 days. But it is how we react to those humbling experiences that matters. Why would we not want to be humbled?? Ether 12:27 is a prime example of the importance of being humbled and why we are. Let me share with you a prime example of how the Lord is humbling me.
Sis. Skaggs and Brito |
Sis. Brito accidently killed a moth
with a Book of Mormon! |
As you're aware, this past transfer hasn't been easy. I can say though, that these past 2 weeks have been SOLID two weeks. Filled with miracles, tremendous growth, laughter, hard work, diligence, patience and fun. Which meant it seemed as if we had proven to the Lord that Sister Brito and I could be together a second transfer. After much prayer and studying of the scriptures I honestly thought we truly had things figured out which would seem only reasonable to keep a sister who is in training with her trainer for her second transfer of training. To be honest, it didn't really cross my mind, if at all, that the Lord had other plans in store. Friday and Saturday rolled around and we hadn't received a single text about either of us moving or calls about leadership or anything. So we were a little excited knowing we get to stay together next transfer... Well if only we would have waited till Sunday. Really. It didn't cross my mind AT ALL that the Lord had completely different plans in store. Yesterday (Sunday) we were meeting as a zone before District Meeting and as we are just sitting there talking waiting for it to start President Poulsen walks down the hall and then just walks into the room and just stands there. He says, "What are you sisters doing?" We proceeded to explain and then he says, "Ahh. I would like to watch you guys." He just stood there for like a minute awkwardly and then a sister says, "How are you today President?" He briefly responds by saying, "I'm doing great." It was then that I turned to him just a bit and he looks at me and motions to me to come with him as he says, "Sister Skaggs, may I please speak with you?" To be honest, I wasn't thinking anything at this point. I have been used to speaking with him lately so it didn't phase me or scare me. We go into another room and we sit down and he says, "I want to talk about how the transfer has been." I'm like, "Things have been amazing. It has been hard but it has improved so much." He is like, "I'm glad to hear that things have gotten much better. I'm glad to hear things have gotten so well but I really need you as a District Leader next transfer." He looked at me and says, "I have a group of 6 sisters - all from different nationalities and I really need you to be a District Leader next transfer." I'm pretty sure it seemed like a full minute to reply back as I personally was just
Newel K. Whitney store |
comprehending in my mind what was happening. I was like, "If that is what the Lord needs me to do then yes." I was like, "Can I still train Sister Brito and be a District leader?" He says, "No. I really need you as a District
Leader. I know you have only had one transfer under your belt [training] but this is what I need you to do next transfer." It was hard knowing that we will be getting split and I thought to myself if it was a punishment but I know that when we seek to rely on the Lord then we know we have done our best. I feel a sense of peace that we accomplished what we needed to. This entire transfer I strongly just felt that my purpose is just help her become adjusted and as of now she is doing amazing. Does hurt that I can't finish training her? Yes. But the Lord has other things in store for us. We had transfer conference this morning and well, guess what? I will be having another Brazilian companion!! Sister Gomes from Brazil. She is in her 5th transfer now, I believe. We will still have Monday p-day. The Lord has big things in store for this transfer and I look forward to what will be taught but most importantly for the opportunity to serve these 5 sisters. We have Sister Mere, my former roommate, I talked about her last transfer she is from South Africa, Sister Wong from Hong Kong, Sister Javzandulam from Mongolia - I'm almost certain her companion will be the new Mongolian sister coming in this transfer but we will see. It will be an exciting transfer. I'm just excited that I get to love and serve these sisters! I don't know why but being a District Leader is probably my favorite calling and I hope I can just be that the remainder of my mission.
Church history museum |
The work is going well! We were finally able to contact a lot of our investigators in Africa this past week!! They are doing well. The local missionaries are preparing to come back there any week now. Which brings such a huge smile to my face. Because the work can't progress unless the local missionaries are involved. One of my biggest miracles though was talking with JULIO! I haven't been able to contact Julio since January and I haven't tried to really do so for the past couple of months. But on Wednesday I believe I felt
Replicas of Joseph and Hyrum's
death masks |
prompted to call him. And he actually answered the phone!!!! We have now talked twice this past week. He would be considered less active at this point now and doesn't have a good contact with the Church but yesterday as I talked with him I read Alma 38 with him and I then asked him what do you learn from these verses he says, "I miss and want to go back to the Temple." I asked, "Why do you miss the Temple?" He replied by saying, "I miss that feeling I get when I'm inside." I proceeded to testify to him of why we are here and how we are here to guide him to the Temple. We invited him to watch General Conference this weekend and he says, "I will watch it, it is one of my favorite parts." One thing I realized is how vital
Church History Building -
Liberty Jail |
the Book of Mormon is in our conversion. We can have a testimony of the Gospel but it is a testimony of the Book of Mormon and a conversion to it that keeps us a float amidst the turmoil all around us. In order for our light to continue to burn and our investigators lights to continue to burn they must have a conversion to the Book of Mormon.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!! I cannot believe you are 17! You are an example to me on so many levels and I'm blessed to call you my brother. You have gone through so much in life but you are so strong and your testimony of the gospel shows the love you have for your Savior! I have to go. But know you are a chosen and beloved son of God! Happy 17th birthday broski! Love you!
Liberty Jail |
My thoughts from the funeral. My brother wanted me to write about it. It was a powerful experience being able to hear from them. It is a blessing to have that same organization on the earth again for us and to have that same authority to lead and to guide us. I love this gospel so much and grateful for its foundation in my life!
Elder Richard G. Scotts Funeral:
Son Michael W. Scott:
How are we seeking out the one? Do we diligently seek for "The One" the noble and great one. The mission we serve now is the sacred time we have of being deeply converted to their Savior, Jesus Christ.
When we are born under the covenant we don't need to worry because we have the insurance that we will see them again as we work diligently to live worthy of such we will be able to abide in the Celestial Kingdom.
The Lord LOOKETH on the HEART.
Where is our spiritual power?
Don't complain with change or ask why because we know it is the Lord's will. A true disciple of Jesus Christ is one who doesn't complain but one who looks to the Savior and accepts his will humbly in our life.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson:
We are to resist even the appearance of evil. And to hold firm to that in our life.
Seek the Lord. Peace, happiness and joy comes from seeking the Lord through the various gospel principles that we have been given in each of our lives.
We teach constant sermons through our example.
How do we love and serve our companions with the most devoted service?
We are to teach, counsel, lead, love and inspire through diligent faithful Christlike service.
There is no hope or belief that our Savior lives or our Father in Heaven lives. But it is an absolute surety that they do live.
President Russell M. Nelson:
Do we consecrate our lives to serve those around us always?
How do we seek to understand those clear and riveting key messages that our Father in Heaven is sharing with us in regards to those things that we need to know in our life?
We don't seek our own life but we seek the Lord's will with faithfulness and with unwearyingness. When we are tired or want to look inward that's when we kneel down and rely on the Atonement and seek to look outward always.
Hyrum's clothes at the time of
his death |
President Thomas S. Monson:
Serve with all skill and diligently. Like our master we are to go about doing good. Being a man of God in all seasons.
Courage, Faith, Patience and Devotions
Are we glad to share, give and care INSTANTLY!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we say "I have kept the Faith"?
Whoso believeth in me shall never die.
Well I have to get going but I invite you to ponder over what you are seeking in your life and take that to conference. Pray for an open heart and willing mind and then listen. I can testify that you will know what the Lord needs you to do. It will be a powerful conference with 3 new apostles being called. Know that I love you and pray for you! When life gets hard read Alma 38 and Philipians 4:13.
Love Always,
Artifacts from the Nauvoo Temple |
Sister Skaggs
Children's museum |
Children's museum |