This is from Feb 9th. Enjoy!
To All I Love,

So this week has just been a week full of just a whole bunch of stuff. I don't even know where to start with this email. This email is going to be a lot different because the library is kicking us out right now. We are only allowed to be on here for one hour and we just hit our hour mark. We can email for an hour and a half but the library is only allowing us one hour today. I'm so sorry! I need to get more effective with my emailing time.
Overall I'm doing really well! The work here is going amazing and Sister Stoddard and I doing really well. Heavenly Father is teaching me a lot right now. Especially when it comes to being diligent. But that is one of the aspects about being a missionary that I love so much. I love everything Heavenly Father is teaching me right now in regards to being a missionary!
From frozen chicken..... |
 | a meal fit for a missionary! |
Tracting is for the birds! (text added
by Sis. Skaggs mom) ;) |
Tracting is something I'm ever so slowly coming to love. We have seen a lot of amazing miracles come the past couple of days from tracting. I still don't have an undivided love for it yet but I'm definitely enjoying it a lot more. You know when you really forget about yourself and you recognize this is the Lord's time and not your time it changes your perspective a lot on what you need to be doing and how you need to do it. Several weeks ago we tracted into this lady who was open to us coming back to seeing her. We had a lesson with her the other day and she was super open to learning more about the Gospel. When we invited for her to be baptized she said she would if she came to know these things were true. I love the simple miracles that come when we do what the Lord expects us to do. If we hadn't of been tracting we would never of met that lady.
Eating out for the first time in
Virginia! |
I have to get off now. I'm so sorry this isn't like my usual emails. But the library needs us to get off right now. I love you all so much! I know this Gospel is true with all of my heart. I love the blessings that come as we sincerely strive to live the Gospel and apply it to our lives. I love Mosiah 24 - I believe it is. Life is going to be hard and life was never supposed to be easy. But I know that as we have faith and trust in our Savior Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven the trials that we have experienced in our lives can be made lighter. He is willing to ease the burdens that are placed upon our backs but we must first have faith in him and reach out to him. I love you so much! Again, I'm so sorry this email is short and not like the rest of them. This week has been a great week and I'm learning A LOT! I love my investigators, I love the members, I love my companion and I love the trials that I'm facing. Is it hard? Yes - the hardest thing I have ever done. Am I having to make sacrifices? Yes. But it is worth it. It's beyond worth it! Have a great week! Be safe!! Oh and I won't have p-day until TUESDAY next week due to it being a national holiday on Monday! Love you!!
Sister Stoddard feeding a friend! |
Sister Skaggs
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