Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thanksgiving, Lights, & Wendell‏

I love you all!

Sister Skaggs at East High
where High School Musical was filmed
I can't believe another week is here let alone almost another transfer! Can you believe it I'm going into my 4th transfer next week? During this transfer I hit my 6th month mark!!! I swear I entered the MTC just yesterday. Time surely does fly when you're on a mission.
Family, it sounds like you're doing so well! I'm glad you all enjoyed "Wicked" without me. I'm glad you're all safe and everyone is doing fine. I probably should get busy with explaining to you what has been happening here.


Thanksgiving dinner in
a member's home
Fun times!
Thanksgiving was amazing! It was my FIRST TIME being in a member's home my WHOLE mission!! I honestly felt like I was home. I started getting teary eyed as I got in their van to drive to their home and then when we got there as well. I never knew just how special it was being inside an actual home. It was the first time in almost 5 months that I have been inside a members home. We got picked up at around 12:15 and then drove up to Bountiful. The second we got into their van it was just amazing. It was a little weird at first because I haven't been in that situation in months but we quickly got adjusted and then we were in heaven. We thought we were just going to eat thanksgiving with a small little family. Well, we were in for a surprise. When we got there we were quickly welcomed by about 15 little kids, and I believe about 10 adults. Everyone was soooo welcoming!! They were so happy to have us there. We felt right at home the second we walked in. The house we went to was the parents home. Several of their children were there, who were all grown with little kids of their own. I just can't describe how amazing it was.
The children singing to us at
Thanksgiving. Sooo cute!
We had a HUGE Thanksgiving dinner. You name it, we had it. We had every pie imaginable as well. I kind of had like 4 helpings of pie... oops!! Haha, so Sister Bryuzgina and I pretended to play football with them. It was really weird because neither of us had ever been in a situation like that before and so it was really weird trying to apply the white handbook rules (rules that all missionaries live by - printed in a little white book) because we have never been in such a situation before. Oh, and so another set of sister missionaries from one of the Salt Lake City missions came and had dinner as well but they were only allowed to be there for an hour. The little kids had several songs that they played/sang for us. Oh, and dad, one of the son-in-laws that was there is the brother to Brother Bitton in the Morgan Hill Ward. Haha so that was a funny story. It was just amazing all together. We were only allowed to be off of Temple Square from noon to 6 pm. The only reason why we left their house was because we were needed back. Other than that we could have stayed longer. The only thing I have to say is for those who get to eat in member's home's you're SO LUCKY!! I forgot how much I missed home cooked meals. Here on Temple Square we cook ALL our meals Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner unless I go out to eat at City Creek. Other than that I'm SO GRATEFUL for Thanksgiving! I will definitely NEVER forget that Thanksgiving!! Oh and it was Sister Bryuzgina's FIRST Thanksgiving!
Temple Square LIGHTS= Disneyland!
Temple Square at Christmas time
Not even joking - I seriously felt like I was at Disneyland when they turned the lights on this past Friday and Saturday. The crowds were INSANE! I honestly felt like I was walking through Disneyland during Thanksgiving time. It was so AMAZING though. It is truly a magical place when the lights come on. I just can't describe it. Because of how big the crowds are and how late they stay our schedules have changed so we don't leave the square till 9:45. Since I'm on early schedule I go to bed at 11:15 PM instead of 11:30 PM. Haha - the first night the lights turned on Sister Bryuzgina and I were so exhausted from the lights turning on and from working about a 16-17 hour day we literally were falling asleep while we were planning for the next day. It's all good - that's why we have the Atonement. Which is something I have used so much since being out on my mission.
Disneyland at Christmas time
One of my favorite parts about the lights coming on is Sing and Smile/Dance. One of our new assignments on our schedule is we have an allotted time when we have to sing Christmas carols with about 4-5 other companionship's at a certain spot on Temple Square. It has just been a really neat experience. Monday night we were doing Sing and Smile over near the east gate and this elderly couple in front of us was singing. I went over there and asked them to join us. The lady was so cute. She didn't know much English so she pulled out her phone and sang all of the songs with her husband in Spanish. It was just really neat to see the smile on her face and the joy that came from her singing. They sang with us for a good 30 minutes. Singing truly is another way we can voice our testimonies. I love it! I truly just love being here on Temple Square especially during this time of year!
 So I got a hold of Wendell on Monday!! He had mentioned that he hadn't been going to church but that he had been reading the Book of Mormon and is really working hard to not give up faith on his Heavenly Father but is going to find out what it is that he is to do. I explained to him more about why we have the Book of Mormon in our life and taught him the Restoration. I felt strongly that I was to invite him to be baptized. I explained to him what it was all about and then invited him to be baptized and to enter into that first covenant with his Father in Heaven, to take that first necessary step into returning back home to his Heavenly Father. He said yes and tomorrow we will talk more about a date/goal as to when he feels his Heavenly Father feels he can be ready by. He is so amazing. I love the amazing faith he has in his Heavenly Father. He didn't tell me about his past but I could sense his life hasn't been easy but he is so wiling and determined to do what his Heavenly Father needs him to do. Before I asked him to be baptized he told me, "You know, I have already been baptized..." In my mind I was like, "Oh great. He is going to say I have no need to be re-baptized." He ended up saying, "You know, I have already been baptized but I want to be re-baptized because I was baptized when I was younger and never understood what I was doing. So I want to be baptized again and no what I'm doing this time." I was thinking, "This really can't be happening right now. I guess I will invite him to be baptized." So that's when I explained to him the importance of baptism and invited him. I love him so much and am so grateful for the amazing opportunity I have to get to know and to help him on this road back home to his Heavenly Father.

P-day fun!
A year supply of hamburger meat
all in one package!?
Sorry this email is shorter than usual I'm just soo tired right now I really can't think. This P-day has been insane (Temple, Zone activity, Grocery Shopping and now emailing and then we have to be back working due to the lights in an hour). On top of how busy we have been, I'm just so physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually exhausted right now. 
P-day fun with my companion!
P-day fun with my zone sisters!

Yes, we even get our
hair cut!

The sisters of my zone
The mission is going well! I love it here and feel so blessed to have this opportunity to serve a mission. Again sorry this email is different from the rest. I'm just so tired right now I need to take a quick nap and we have to be on the square for the lights in 50 minutes. I will make it up to you next time I have P-day I PROMISE!!

Oh so my two favorite scriptures for this week that I just really love right now are 1 Nephi 17:3 which I feel like can apply to me right now... haha and then 1 Nephi 17:13.

I love you all, I hope your having an amazing week! Good luck this week!
Sister Skaggs

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