Sunday, January 31, 2016

Closing Chapter of Our Eternal Book

From 01/29/16

To All I Love,

Well this is the end to one of the greatest chapters I will ever write.  But this chapter shapes every
Saying goodbye....
chapter to come, and ultimately has shaped this Eternal Book.  What will be written, I don't know, only the Lord can see that. But what I do know is each experience, each event, each moment, each individual, each scripture, each meeting, each prayer, each tear has molded me into the Daughter of God I didn't realize I could be just 18 months ago.  As we submit our will to the Father that is when he will allow us to witness miracles in our lives as he performs a miracle in our life, changing us into what will allow us to accomplish our life's work and mission.

How do you possibly sum up these past 18 months?! To be honest it is impossible.

50x17x31x7= How many visitors from Mainland China Each Year:
When we were young we always loved to picture scenes in our head, right?
LDSBC certificate

Okay, so imagine it is a warm summer morning at about 8:30 AM. You walk onto Temple Square and you see about 50 people just snapping away pictures. Pictures of the Temple, of the flowers, of you. Why?? Well, you have blond hair and blue eyes. They are posing in front of the Assembly Hall and then 20 minutes later it's a ghost town. 3 hours later you see another 150 people in 3 separate groups of 50 walking around Temple Square. What does it look like? Well, pictures of the Temple, pictures of the flowers, pictures of you. Haha. Did I just say "you" again? Well, you read it of the ceiling, pictures with every missionary. It is a sight I truly can't describe.

Over these 18 months I have seen how our Father in Heaven does whatever he can to bring each of his children the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a key point. On an average summer day we will have about 15 Motorcoahes of 50 people within each one coming to Temple Square. Many think it's because they are here to see the Temple. But our Father in Heaven recognizes that the only way, as of now, the gospel will get into their hearts is through bringing them to the Gospel.

LDSBC class
Being able to witness how the spirit will change a heart is sweet. I haven't seen a group of people so
LDSBC certificate - a class
each Temple Square sister
takes before leaving for home
curious about something that is so true. I have never in my life stood there giving out 15-20 copies of the Book of Mormon before. Never in my life have I stood on top of planter beds, in front of the Temple testifying to a group of 50 people at a time that families can be together forever. Testifying through the spirit that the relationships we have developed and formed can be carried into the life to come. That as a mother and father kneel across the altar in this sacred place and as they make that sacred covenant together with their Father in Heaven that they are sealing their family relationship for all eternity. To see children of God so keyed in on these simple truths shows that in all corners of the world the Lord is preparing the hearts of our fellow Brothers and Sisters. This is a simple witness to me that the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in it's complete fullness is back on earth today for each of us. Through this simple knowledge we are able to bind our families not only here on earth but in the life to come.

Acts of the Spirit Changes the Hearts of Man:
Now imagine you are torn between two things what do you do? How do you know which to choose?
Crazy email time pics
  The biggest key is to know and recognize the spirit. Spiritual Sensitivity provides us with a remarkable end result, true eternal happiness or I should say eternal joy.

Yesterday on Temple Square is a PERFECT example. Missionary work doesn't happen unless we, the instruments, have the spirit. Picture it being about 5:40 PM, the sun is setting, it's 30 degrees outside you're just walking around Temple Square and you're trying to decipher where you should go. On my mission I have really wanted to learn the language of the spirit. I felt a pull to go to the left towards the Reflection Pool but I was cold so I felt it would be appropriate to go inside to the people. I asked my companion, where should we go. She felt that we needed to go towards the conference center past the Reflection Pool. This is where we met Desirae and Jackson.

Desirae grew up a member of the church but no longer felt it was for her. Jackson is not a part of the Church and is ultimately Atheist. It was a really intense conversation, let's just put it that way. It wasn't too big of a problem. Towards the end as we were recognizing we weren't getting anywhere with Jackson I stopped and simply testified to them of the purpose of life. Where we came from. Why we were here in this life. Why we have a Savior and scriptures. As I concluded my personal witness we could see that Jackson's heart still hadn't softened. But we saw something different in the eyes of this Daughter of God. We know the spirit bore a witness to her of that truth she hadn't clearly been able to understand for many years.

A day in the life.....
When we act upon the spirit and our hearts and minds are sensitive to the direction of the spirit, we will get to witness how the Lord will use us imperfect individuals to move mountains in his work. What will happen with Desirae we may never know. But in that moment in between the Temple and the Reflection Pool as the Lord's personal representatives, we witnessed the power that the spirit has on the hearts of man. I know and can testify to you of my personal witness that when we are worthy and heed the thoughts and impressions that come from the spirit we will witness the hearts of our Father in Heaven's children change. That is a simple truth I have come to know and treasure in my heart. We are nothing without the spirit. It takes time, it takes faith, it takes prayer to recognize and act upon the whisperings of the spirit. But as we, together, do so we will get to witness how the Lord is using us as his disciples to hasten his work in preparing our fellow brothers and sisters for his return once again to this earth.

Calling All Corners of the World:

Another random e-mail pic
The measures the Lord will take to get his message to every nook and cranny of the world. This story takes place in a town called Ganta. I bet you have never heard of that before. It actually is about a 7 hour drive from the closest church. But nestled in this tiny city are at least 5 or 6 individuals who are desperately seeking for the truth, who are treasuring up the words they find within the Book of Mormon. Just yesterday we talked with two of God's children that live there. Emmanuel and Cyrus. This story starts way back in May when we met Cyrus. He was a member referral that we contacted who really wanted to be baptized. Due to family troubles he had to move back to his home city. When we would call him he would say, "Sister Skaggs, we have no missionaries. How can I be baptized?" My response to him back in July was, "Cyrus, you have the key to conversion, you have the Book of Mormon. As you read the Book of Mormon and talk about it to people you will find those who are interested in reading it, too. Read the Book of Mormon at school, in the park, in places where people will be curious as to what you are reading. As you do so people will want to know what it is." We told Cyrus that while the church isn't established there, we will continue to call him and help him develop his testimony and that as he meets people who are interested we would love to call them and share the gospel with them. As people are ready and prepared we know someday the Lord will call missionaries to Ganta to establish the church. Several months ago we called Cyrus and he said that several people have been asking him questions about this book and he has been able to explain to them what it is and how it goes with the Bible and that we get to learn more of Jesus Christ. In the past 2 weeks he has referred to us 2 more individuals to call and share this message with.

On exchanges with
Sister Carvalho
Yesterday we talked to Cyrus and he said, "My friend is here with me he wants to learn more." We read the introduction [from the Book of Mormon] but he is a little confused. Emmanuel is his name. We answered their questions and read the first 3 paragraphs of the Book of Mormon, testifying to them of how this book changes the lives of those that read it. We witnessed to them that this book contains written revelations from prophets that used to live upon the American Continent and how we can draw nearer to Jesus Christ as we read and ponder its teachings. 45 minutes later we found ourselves inviting Emmanuel to be baptized as he came to know the truthfulness of these things and concluded with a prayer. This tiny town is in the far eastern corner of Liberia. I bear my witness that the Lord does provide a way for each of us to receive the Gospel. Emmanuel and Cyrus are living witnesses of how the Lord does so. Because the church physically isn't there the Lord is able to use the means of technology to establish his gospel into the hearts of the people that reside there.

These past 18 months have developed my faith of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know and bear my witness to you that he lives, he loves us and he is aware of us. The trials we individually face are there to strengthen our faith. As we turn to him we will see our faith in him grow in ways we didn't know, we will recognize who we truly are. Our Father in Heaven loves us. Through the power of prayer we can communicate with the one that loves us the most, the one who created us. Over these 18 months, my personal understanding of how the atonement of Jesus Christ applies to my life has been revealed. I've personally come to know the power I will receive to endure that which is put in my path. This is for each of us as we come unto Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in its fullness through a young boy, Joseph Smith. Evidence of this truth is held within the Book of Mormon. My favorite book, which has given direction, peace, hope and deeper understanding of my faith comes as I've pondered this book. I can go on for an eternity. But I bear to you my testimony of these truths! A testimony and witness of these truths are available to all who seek to experiment as we read in Alma 32:26-31. I invite you to read this passage, to ponder in your hearts a principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ you can experiment upon. I know you will come to know for yourself that this truly indeed is the true church of Jesus Christ once again restored for us so we may know the way to returning back home to our Father in Heaven again.

The Lord has changed who I am. The atonement of Jesus Christ can be applicable to each of us. The power a mission can have on us as we learn to submit our will to the father.

I leave you my personal testimony as I close this chapter in my life. A new chapter will begin on
My last email home!
Wednesday. But this closing chapter has changed who I am. I have to go now. Know I love you and feel blessed to have you in my life!!

I will see you Wednesday evening in San Diego!

Love Always,

Sister Skaggs

P.S. Oh and before I forget HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY BRANDON!!! MY CHUBBY CHEEKS!! You're getting sooo old! You're what, 15 now? That scares the living daylights out of me. I hope you had a great bday.  Just know the best birthday present ever---ME---will soon be with you! They saved the best birthday present till Wednesday.  It allows you to have patience. Haha.  Aren't I funny. I think so! Anyways, I love you Broski and am so incredibly blessed to have you as my little brother. I'm beyond excited to see you again Brandon, to have your big slobbery kisses, mugging fights, yogurt island runs and to just be able to hang out with you. You're an exceptional young man with a lot of amazing qualities the one that stands out to me is your amazing personality. On many times when I have wanted to have personality or really have fun with the guests I often thought of you and how bold you are and excited and straightforward you are. I remember the many times we would be on vacations and you would randomly start talking to people or show off your funny personality, whether in the subway, restaurants, etc.. You have it in you. Don't hide it! Deep down you're super confident. And I'm grateful for your example to me. I love you!!!
Love your FAVORITE most loving and incredible sister, whom you're so excited to see on Wednesday!

I wouldn't lie would I?  It's the truth.... :D
Hey, you better be excited to see me!!

Sister Jen Skaggs

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Key to All Things is the Spirit

From 01/22/16


To All I Love!

Wow! Can you believe that I have been on my mission now for over 18 months!! A week ago tomorrow I hit my 18 month mark for being on my mission. It's amazing how fast time goes by. I still can't believe I'm actually alive. I just give credit to the Atonement at this point for keeping me going. My body physically is really starting to hurt. But I will have enough energy to sprint to the end! I have ALOT to share about this past week! One of my FAVORITE weeks of my mission! I better get started then!


My Liberia friends...all in white
ready for baptism!
It finally happened!! They got baptized this past weekend on Saturday, Jan 16, 2016. Most of them have waited a really long time for this day to actually happen. We are just overjoyed for each of them. Who knew this day would come? We talked to Siannes on Sunday and asked all about her baptism and confirmation. Words will never describe how truly happy she was. She said, "I was at complete peace when I was baptized and it felt like I was being born again, that the old me was leaving." Her testimony is powerful, just like Gaiduwo and Anthony's testimony. Her testimony is pure and centrally focused on her Savior. I truly believe that true conversion comes when our hearts are centered on our Savior. We recognize that all things are done through him. Peace comes from him. True love and self worth comes from him. Understanding of our purpose and clear direction comes as we keep our hearts centered on him. As our hearts are centered that is where our eyes will be centered. Their love and testimonies are deep and powerful! I'm going to miss them sooo much! As I was thinking of not being in contact with them again, it really broke my heart. I just wish there was a way to not lose contact with them. It will be a bit harder because of the connection to them. But I know the Lord will provide a way.


Church Attendance Doubles~~ 

Companions - Sister Skaggs
and Tagliavia
I have never seen the work hasten so fast than I have there. President Harman, when I had my weekly meeting with him on Sunday (over the phone), we talked about the baptism on Saturday -- who was baptized and who will be getting baptized. I reported to him on who I have called and how that has been going. Then we talked about church and then he apologized for why I couldn't get a hold of him last Friday, which, nonetheless, is a very good reason. Let me start off with the church attendance! When I first started working with Kakata back in April of last year we had about 190 or so at church. At the start of December we had 225 (when the Missionaries came back), 2 weeks ago we had 297 at church and then on Sunday we had 330 at Church. President Harman said that he met with the Mission President on Friday and Saturday because they were drawing out the new boundaries! He is so funny. H says, "Sister Skaggs, I'm so sorry that my phone was off. I was meeting with the mission president for us to redo the boundaries." I was like, "You do not need to be sorry for that at all." At the end of April the Branch will get split! Can you believe that in one year the members have worked so hard that they will have the Branch split! [note from Sis. Skaggs mom - a branch is a smaller congregation that doesn't have enough people to make it a 'ward'. It is a geographical area consisting of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. More members in the area make up a ward. Smaller numbers make up a branch]. Here, in the coming month, I think they are going to move the branch to a different building soon that they are currently renovating because they can't fit in the building that they are currently meeting in.

Being Ready in the Lord's Time~~

Celebrating Sis.Fraiser's
birthday at the
Cheesecake Factory
Just today right before we came to email I called President Harman and gave him an update with everything and he said that the missionaries are pushing back the next baptism till the 13th of Feb. because they will have more people prepared then. President Harman started naming all the people scheduled to be baptized and he named just about EVERY person I have worked with on my mission. Morou Jallaa, Jarso Collie, Jimmy, JayEdward, Wenneta, (maybe) Amelia. He cracks me up. He says, "Sister Skaggs, I want them to be baptized before you go home. I will see if we can not delay their baptism and have it on the 30th of Jan and then their confirmation on the 31st." President Harman is really funny. I was like, "Please do not move it just for me. They need to be baptized on the 13th for a reason." He was like, "Well, we cannot delay their baptism." I don't think it will happen which is okay because I do not want it done just for me. Now that the missionaries are back and they can see that they can be baptized they have really recommitted themselves to preparing. We called Morou earlier this week to see how he is doing and he was like, "Sister Skaggs, I'm working really hard to be baptized this Saturday. We met with President Harman at church and I want to be baptized and to really commit myself to God." Morou and Sister Jallaa are hilarious. When I call, Sister Jallaa is on Morou's phone in seconds. They both were like, "President Harman said your mission is ending soon. Morou feels that he really needs to prepare and commit to be baptized before you leave." I told them they cannot do it for me but that it needs to be out of a desire to follow their Savior. Morou was able to share that he wants to be baptized and he wants to really give it his all to the Lord. President Harman talked to me today and reassured me that Morou is really serious. I was really skeptical when Morou told me that the other day. It is really neat because I have been with Morou from the beginning. He is what started this all. April of 2015 a Sister transferred him to me, who, at the time, was a referral. And to see how he has come full circle. I have been able to watch his growth and it is really special to see how he has changed - how he has ultimately changed. When President Harman told me he was getting baptized it just brought me so much happiness. His family will finally be complete. His Wife and children are both members but him. And they will finally be able to experience all the blessings a family can experience together.

The Gift of Tongues~~

Happy Birthday Sister

With Jimmy it is extremely difficult to talk with him. Near impossible because neither of us can understand one another. When I first started teaching him, I couldn't. We got a minute into the conversation and then would have to stop because we couldn't understand each other. The "mostest neatest" thing happened though the other day. I felt we needed to call him and see how he was progressing towards baptism. We had a 20 minute fluent conversation with him. We taught repentance and how that will help him lead to baptism. It wasn't until we hung up that I recognized what had happened. We realized that through the power of God we can do all things. With faith in him he can give us that power and authority to do what needs to be done to convey this message to his children. I haven't had an experience like this before on my mission, where we clearly got to see how the spirit plays a key role in understanding and communication. With the spirit all things can and will be done.

Temple Square Miracles:

Randy and Amy
Randy & Amy~~ Key Listening to the Spirit, The Guide of All Things 

If I learned anything this week it would be the importance of listening and following the spirit. We were walking out of the Assembly Hall on the Square and were just focused on getting to the basement of the SVC (South Visitors Center) to meet with the Zone Leaders. When people walk onto Temple Square I will usually casually say Hi and just keep walking if I have somewhere to be. It was different though. I caught myself saying hi and then stopping this couple. We started talking to them and trying to get to know them. Randy said, "We came here to get a tour." When he said that, I heard this little voice say, "You will give them the tour." We kept talking. It was getting too cold so we went inside. The spirit within our conversation was really powerful. At that point he shared with me his story:

He has lived in SLC Valley his entire life but because of the way members [of the Mormon church] were he strongly disliked the church. He then married Amy about 3 years ago and they moved to a different city nearby. He mentioned that the members just completely engulfed the two of them into their lives. The way the missionaries approached him and how the members had been he has decided to be baptized...'

Randy then asked us if we would be his tour guides. The spirit already said we had to so we said yes. We took them both to the Temple Model.

'Randy has a little brother named Bryan who was like his follower. ALWAYS wanted to do what Randy did. Right before Bryan turned 21 he passed away due to Grammal Seizures. It was really unexpected. He heard about it at work. He got to his brother before the medics did but he was already gone. This was 11 years ago.'

Cheesecake Factory
At this point we are standing at the Temple Model talking about Baptisms for the Dead. The spirit had been really strong up to this moment. As we were standing there bearing witness of the importance of Temple Work my companion and I looked at him and bore to him our witness that his brother, Bryan, was in the next life looking down at us at this given moment, that he is ready and waiting for his brother to be baptized so he could be baptized. I cannot describe to you the power of the spirit at that moment. He just started crying and said "I know." He knew that at that moment his brother, his little follower, was waiting for his brother to baptize him. That he was looking upon us with a smile on his face.

I have come to know this Gospel is true. The spirit is the true teacher to conversion. We have desperately sought to do everything by the spirit this week. It is HARD. It requires constant prayer, focus and determination to be spiritually sensitive to that which is asked of us. We have witnessed numerous miracles this week, Wednesday being our FAVORITE day! Seeing how a simple thought will move mountains. Those simple thoughts is the spirit bearing witness to us of what our Father in Heaven asks for us to do. I bear my personal witness to you that as you pray for the spiritual sensitivity and you listen and seek for those thoughts and then act, the Lord will use you to move mountains. I want to end with one last miracle

Don~~ Quick give him a Book of Mormon Download Card

Sister Skaggs and Butler
in the Assembly Hall
On Wednesday this older Gentleman and his brother walked into the Assembly Hall. We quickly made small talk with him. Don mentioned that he lived in Idaho, wasn't a member and that he and his member wife, well soon to be ex-wife, were getting a divorce. I was like - well this may be a bit awkward trying to teach him. The two of them looked at their phones and were like, "Well, we have to quickly get to the car before the meter runs out." As he was living I just blurted out, "Has your wife ever shared with you about the Book of Mormon? Have you ever read the Book of Mormon before?" Don mentions to me "no". I was like, "Well, I have something I want to give you." I pulled out my Book of Mormon download card from my pocket and mention that since he is a devote Catholic he would love reading this book because it is all about our Savior Jesus Christ, and that he would learn and draw closer to him as he read it. He was like "okay. Wow that is really cool." He was like, "Well, I'm not tech savvy. How does this download thing work?" He hands me his phone and says, "Wiill you download the Book of Mormon App for me?" I get it downloaded for him and invited him to read 3 Nephi 11. He said he would and that hopefully he would see me later on in the day since he was coming back. That was the end of it with Don. Fast forward 6 hours. I'm sitting in the kitchen and these 2 sisters said, "Hey, you know the guy you gave the book of Mormon to?" I was like, "Uhhh I don't remember." They said, "Remember Don in the Assembly Hall?" I was like, "Umm yah." She is like, "He is our New Investigator. He came on a tour and mentioned he met Sister Skaggs and that he downloaded the Book of Mormon and was told to read 3 Nephi 11 but had no idea how to find it. He would love to learn more."

The spirit truly leads us and allows us the opportunity to prepare each of Gods children to draw nearer and closer to him. I invite you, as you approach this new week, to seek and ask your Father in Heaven for those opportunities to be spiritually in-tuned to the spirit. I can testify lives will be changed as you do so.

Sister Skaggs and Butler
Know I love you! I LOVE being a missionary. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to be a missionary. I wish it never had to end. I sometimes wish the Lord would grant me 6 more months. But I know it will have to come to an end. This week in a half to two weeks I have left is something I'm so incredibly grateful for. Next Friday will be my final email home as a full time missionary. Its weird to think it is ending. A year ago yesterday I flew to Richmond, VA for 3 months and was able to see how the Lord works miracles over there. In all corners of the world he is using us to prepare his children for his return to this earth. It is nigh, so we must prepare. I love you and hope you are well!

Love Always,

Sister Skaggs

Monday, January 25, 2016

Hastening His Work

From 01/15/16
Sister Sindylkova and me!

To All I Love,

Well this week has been filled with a lot of really random things. So bear with me in regards to this email because there really isn't a consistent flow.

Saying Goodbye:

Saying goodbye to President
and Sister Paulsen
In last weeks email I briefly mentioned to you about how President & Sister Poulsen were ending their missions this week. It was really sad and hard for a lot of Sisters, including them, to say goodbye. On Sunday they gave their departing talks to the mission. It was really sad to start to recognize the fact that they really are getting ready to leave. When change is getting ready to happen in your life you don't really expect it, it just happens. Yesterday we did all of our goodbye stuff with them. The mission gathered during lunch and we were able to talk to them, take pictures and eat lunch together. The hardest part was towards the end of the night as we watched them walk out of the doors and it was then that it hit us that, that's it. We will no longer see them on Temple Square. They have a rule that they aren't allowed to step on to Temple Square for the next year and a half or until every sister they have worked with has gone home, which is sad to think about but it makes sense. I will forever be grateful for being able to serve under them. The two of them and their examples have changed who I am and allowed me to see things that the Lord needed me to change. They truly love the Lord first and it is special to see that, to see how together they have grown and have truly devoted their entire lives to their Savior Jesus Christ and Father in Heaven. Something President Poulsen invited us to do is when we go off our missions to NEVER miss a day of reading the scriptures. He shared of an experience that I will go more in depth after my mission, mainly because I don't have a whole lot of time. In a nutshell, a General Authority met with a group of missionaries when President Poulsen presided over a mission in South Africa and this General Authority was able to, without hesitation, answer every missionaries question, all kinds of questions with a scripture. He said that he did that because he knows his scriptures and it has come because he hadn't missed a day of scripture study since he had been home from his mission, which, at that point, was over 40 years ago. As we feast upon the scriptures and take the time to do so that is when our knowledge and understanding of them will grow. I will miss them so much but look forward to seeing them again. President already commented that when he has his Family Reunion in August in Oceanside that we are all going to gather together - Sis Brooks, Sughroue and I and other Southern California sisters - to have lunch. That will be really exciting and special to see them again.

Meeting President & Sister Risenmay:

Former companion
Sister Ferguson
They are amazing! I'm really grateful that Heavenly Father has allowed me to be able to serve with them even if it's just a short amount of time. We had the opportunity to gather with them as a mission this morning and to hear from the two of them. They shared with us as a mission how they got called. It is pretty funny, actually. President Risenmay had been serving as an Area Seventy and last January he had an area council meeting where Elder Rasband was attending. At the end he pulled him to the side and asked how he would feel about leaving this assignment and changing to a different one. He mentioned that him and Sister Risenmay were in a position that they could change. Well 3 weeks later he received a call from Elder Don R. Clarke from Seventy who did a preliminary interview with him over the phone. Most Area Seventy get called to then be MTC Presidents. So he and Sister Risenmay both thought that they were probably getting called to preside over an MTC, they knew, though, that they would be called to an English speaking assignment which meant either Ghana or South Africa. It is interesting because immediately after that thought Sister Risenmay said "We are not going there. We will be called to Salt Lake City." President Risenmay said that when his wife made that comment the spirit immediately bore a strong witness to him that they would be called to Salt Lake City. They didn't know anything for about 3 months. In June they received a phone call from President Eyring's secretary asking if they could video conference President Eyring. As they did so that is when he extended to them the call to be the Mission President and Wife for the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission. He then went on to share with us what took place in that call. The spirit bore a powerful witness to me, personally, in that moment that this is where I have been called to and the sacred calling it is to be a missionary. The Lord entrusts us missionaries in general with such a sacred assignment to be able to proclaim this eternal message to the world. And how he takes ordinary young men and women and gives them the opportunity to take this message to all corners of the world.

President Risenmay made some comments to us about being missionaries and I'm going to just briefly type those out.

- Every Missionary has a cross to bear as they represent Jesus Christ
- During these times we are taken doing to the very core, at this moment is when the Lord can humble us to change us.
- Christ can fix the dents and make us each into a new creature.
- Complete conversion comes after many trials and much testing.
- The Savior suffered for us one by one. And paid in full, the price for each of us.

I don't have much time left because I need to be going but know I know this Gospel to be true with everything I have. It is a privilege to stand as a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ and to bear my witness of him each and everyday whether in person, on the phone or in a chat. To be able to boldly declare to people the love that he has for them is priceless and to help others recognize that true joy only can come as we learn to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ. Tomorrow in Africa over 30 of our Father in Heavens children will make that sacred covenant with him and promise to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ. I have seen over and over again as I have been given the opportunity to prepare them for this moment the deep love they have for their Savior and the desire they have to seek to follow him. They are testimonies that really show to me the conversion they have of this Gospel.

Know I love you and hope you have a great week!! Seek to find ways to help the Lord hasten his work in all that you do.

Love Always,

Sister Skaggs

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Persistent Patience & Diligence Towards the End Goal

From 01/08/16

To All I Love,

Who needs Charlie's Angels when
This opportunity to serve a mission is priceless.  Where to begin with this past week?  I don't even know where to begin. A LOT has happened! The Missionary Work is really hastening. And it's funny how it is right when I'm getting ready to go home soon.

Entering the Waters of Baptism:

The last of the "original" group that
came out in July/Aug 2014
It happened! On Saturday Jan. 2nd Gaiduwo and Anthony were baptized in Kakata, Liberia. Sunday morning we called Gaiduwo and talked to her about her baptism. She is remarkable. Gaiduwo couldn't stop saying just how happy she was.  We asked how she felt when she got baptized and she said a huge sense of relief came over her when she was baptized.  All of her past mistakes were gone.  When she received the Holy Ghost she mentioned she felt really good and happy. It is really hard to share with you what was all said. Typing it out doesn't really do a whole lot from their deep gratitude and how they really express what they feel.  From all of the people I have had the opportunity to work with over these past 18 months I haven't met someone who is filled with that much joy. Because it was fast Sunday we asked if she bore her testimony. Gaiduwo mentioned that she had and how she was shy at first to do so but she thanked God for everything she had been given and that she was so happy to finally be a member of the Church. She shared with us in her own words: "I never wanted to go to church at the start, haha.  But it was by the grace of God that I did go to Church." The testimony and conversion she has of this Gospel is powerful.  We talked with President Harmon after and he said we won't wait to give her a calling, she will be a great leader within the branch.

Opposition in All Things:

Sisters Lineras, Wu, Oh and Skaggs
The preparations for this Baptism didn't go so smoothly.  We wish we could say otherwise though. Right after we called Gaiduwo we call Siannes to hear all about her baptism. It was really confusing though, because she said she wasn't baptized.  She got to the church at 10 AM for her baptism and President Harmon told her they are postponing it and to go home.  When she told us that, we were really confused.  We didn't quite understand what was happening.  President Harmon later was able to explain to us what had really happened. When they got to the baptism something happened with the font and then they realized they didn't have all the baptismal clothes. The Elders, using their money, drove all the way to the Harbel Branch to get the baptismal clothes. By the time they got back it was already 2 PM and so those who were still there got baptized in the river.  At this point Siannes had already gone home and, unfortunately, wasn't baptized.  It was sad when we heard she wasn't going to be baptized but we are excited for her to be baptized on the 16th of this month!

Bright Things in Store:

Sister Brooks and Skaggs
To say the work in Kakata is progressing would be an understatement. Everytime we call President Harmon he shares with us something else that is happening or under way in Kakata. Before we had called him on Sunday we talked with several of out other investigators who each said it was really crowded at Church on Sunday, which is normal, but they had never really expressed that to us before. We commented on that to President Harmon and he said that they had 297 people at church on Sunday....remember, this is a Branch. President Harmon mentioned that because they are growing they will split here more than likely next month into two Branches because they are getting too big, and that they are renovating another building that will turn into their chapel.  At the same time, on the 16th they will have over 20 more people baptized.  We asked if we could Skype this baptism and he was able to bring it up at church and several members within the branch said they know how to set it up on the computer at church.  The only problem was it was at 3 AM our time.  Which meant we weren't going to be able to Skype it.  We told him that we wouldn't be skyping the baptism because of that.  He is so funny....he was like, "Well we want you to Skype it.  When would work best for you?"  We mentioned that we would be able to do like 7 AM our time. Not even flinching he said, "Okay.  I will talk to the Elders and we will move it to later so you can be there.  We want you to be there, you have played a big role in this."  We pray that we can get it to work out.  If not, that is okay. It's funny, he mentioned that the baptismal pool is on a balcony 40 ft in the air outside. It should be an interesting sight to see if it all pulls through.  We are really happy right now for them.

Elect Hearts:

Inside the Assembly Hall
"Stairway to Heaven" in the
Assembly Hall (really goes
to the attic)
With the local missionaries in Kakata being so busy President Harmon is still having us call and teach people to prepare them for baptism and then the local missionaries will verify that all is good.  About 2 weeks ago he asked us to contact Peter, who has been going to church for 6 months and cannot be baptized unless he meets with missionaries.  This past Monday we had the chance to call him and he answered the phone.  As we got talking he mentioned of the sincere desire he had to be baptized.  He just couldn't be baptized until he talked with missionaries.  We realized that if we work diligently with him we could prepare him to be baptized with this next group on the 16th of this month.  We asked him how often he wanted us to call him.  We were thinking like 2x's a week.  He is like, "Umm - 4 times a week."  We weren't expecting that response.  Well, maybe we should have. Either way it didn't bother us at all.  We later found out that the following day another Sister in the mission contacted him because his brother referred him.  Because I'm going home in 3 weeks and she doesn't go home for awhile, I felt it was best that she continue to teach and prepare him for baptism on the 16th instead of me getting close to him to just having to transfer him back to her in 3 weeks.

Assembly Hall
 Jenna -  Where do you start with Jenna? I'm not going to say much but just share with you several of
 her texts to us from this past week:
   "hehe it took awhile!! I've been reading 10-15 chapters every night for a little over a week now so
 that I can reach a goal I set for myself to finish The Book of Mormon before my baptismal date! Alma is wonderful! I love all the messages it has about God's love and how he is always with us!"
  "I'm feeling Good! Reading the Book of Mormon and talking to the missionaries regularly, and also hearing from you guys always sends me feelings that I'm on the right path. I feel like my life has already been blessed by fasting and praying and reading. If God is blessing me and I'm feeling the spirit so often it must be real, and that's so exciting! So it's going really well!:)"
   "Aw that is so sweet of you to say! You are an example to me, a huge one! Reading them is just so powerful and it's something I look forward to doing everyday :) I'm still working for January 30th :) It's crazy.  That's only in a couple of weeks!"
    "Yes I am nervous! It's such an important decision and I've been thinking about it forever, it's crazy that it's actually happening now.  I'm excited to get closer to God! This whole process has brought me so much closer to him and I'm excited to grow more and more in that relationship. I'm excited to see where my path leads me and all the doors that baptism opens for me in my life.:)"
It's pretty self explanatory.  We are really excited for her and this step that she will take here in the next couple of weeks. Her heart is so set and seeking to know the truth. She is one who is prepared, who has just been waiting for the Gospel to come into her life.

Car Run-ins:

The Feb 3rd departing group with
Pres. & Sis. Paulson
Today my companion and I were talking and we realized we never have luck with cars. It's kind of funny what keeps happening lately as I get behind the wheel of the car, and how the Lord always delays the time that we are originally supposed to leave for various reasons. Let me just explain what is happening.

The departing group getting a bit

When the car gets to just about half way (gas) we are to go and fill it with gas before we bring it back to the garage.  Last preparation day (so a week ago) we were running really short on time before we had to have the car back but we needed to fill it with gas.  The closest gas station is the Maverick on North Temple. We pull in, I have 3 other sisters in the car besides me (my companion, a sister from Hong Kong and another from Mongolia).  I get out of the car and am going through the normal routine of filling it with gas.  Because it's absolutely freezing outside I decide to get back in and patiently wait. Haha - then this car pulls in front of us to park on the other side of the gas pump.  As they are driving by I say out loud, "Hey, is it just me or is that President Nelson? (President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)"  All of the sisters are like, "No that's not President Nelson."  I'm like, "Ummm, I'm pretty sure that was President Nelson."  We quickly turn our heads just as he is parking next to me and I'm like, "Haha - yah that's President Nelson."  They were all like, "We want to meet him."  I'm say, "It's protocol to not initiate conversation unless they start."  Then I said, "Do not get out of the car to go see him." To be honest, it was a little nerve wracking to get out of the car to go finish filling the car with gas knowing you have an apostle on the other side of you, literally like 2 feet away.  It finished but it seemed like and eternity for it to completely finish getting out.  As I'm putting it back President Nelson casually moves to my side of the pump and was like, "Hi how are you?"  I reply by saying, I'm doing great how are you?"  He proceeds to shake my hand as he introduces himself.  I have learned to not stare an
apostle in the eyes... Not a good thing.  Why?  Because that is when they are personally interviewing you to see the type of person you really are.  But I made eye contact with him and we start to just have this casual brief conversation before I see him moving his head.  Just guess what was happening?  I turn around to see ALL the car doors open and the other 3 sisters get out of the car.  I didn't care at this point because if I were them I would be doing the same thing, since he initiated the conversation.  He greeted each of us and briefly asked how the work was going and asked if we served on Temple Square. One thing I keyed in on though were his eyes.  Remember several months back when Elder Holland came?  President Nelson had the same, clear glossy very light blue eyes that he did.  It was interesting.  It wasn't really scary talking to him this time compared to the other times.  It just seemed as if I was talking to a friend of mine.  The way he was, it was just interesting, his demeanor was different, its hard to describe.  As we left I started to ponder the interaction that we just had with him.  The thought ran through my mind of the importance of standing as a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ at all times.  Over the course of my mission I have come to recognize how important it really is to stand and up hold that sacred calling we have as his disciple, that sacred calling comes upon each of us as we are baptized a member of his Church.

Humanitarian Square
Same with this morning.  We went to clean the car in the Church Office Building as part of our van maintenance this week.  As we were washing the car, Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson pulled up behind us to wash and dry her car where we briefly interacted with her.  We truly never know who is watching us.  I'm not just meaning General Authorities but everyone.  We stand as his disciples the moment we are baptized.  People observe all that we do especially on Social Media.  They see the things we are doing and they recognize if we are upholding that sacred call or not.

Changes Occurring:

The Paulson's with the Temecula
A lot has been happening this week! I only have 3 1/2 weeks left on my mission and so usually your departing pictures, interview and meetings don't occur until your final days as a missionary. However, we are going to be receiving a new Mission President a week from today and President Poulsen decided to have all of our departing stuff now since we know him and since our new Mission President will probably be very busy with the 2 1/2 weeks we will have with him. It is going to be different having a new mission President for just a short amount of time, we are excited yet nervous.  It's hard knowing that President and Sister Poulsen's time on the mission is coming to an end.  Serving with them as been life changing!  Who I have become, how the Lord has changed me into someone I didn't know I could become has been because of the way the Lord has used them as instruments in his hands.  The counsel which they have shared with me has been something that has eternally shaped me.

Know I love you!  I'm determined to give the Lord everything that I have in the remaining time that I have.  The finish time is the time to sprint harder than we have ever sprinted before in our life.  And this is the time.  I'm grateful for each of you and the support you have rendered and the continued support as I seek and am determined to give the Lord every ounce of energy I have.  I love you!  Continue to find ways to trust in the Lord and to give your will to him.  Hope you have a great week!

Love Always!

Sister Skaggs

Christmas morning

Christmas morning!

More Christmas fun

Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Changes

From 01/01/16

To All I Love,

Sister Skaggs
To be honest, I feel like it isn't even Christmas yet. Maybe because all of the Christmas lights are still on which means it feels like its only like Dec. 20th. Probably should try and realize that it is the New Year. Hope you each had a great New Years Eve and a great New Years Day! I will briefly share later on what I did for New Years Eve. It isn't much at all because we are missionaries but it doesn't need to be much anyways. Well I should get started with all that has occurred, shouldn't I.
Moving Forward Towards Baptism:
Enjoy your So Cal weather!
Well, it's happening. Tomorrow will become one of my FAVORITE DAYS! My heart is filled with so much joy right now. We have had a really busy week filled with a lot to do, which is always the best, but it has meant that we haven't had a whole lot of time to do missionary work in our area. It is hard when you're called to be a missionary but you can't do so. But one thing I have come to learn is responsibility we are given with our call to be a missionary falls within the realms of Missionary Work even if it may not be the way we want it to be. However, yesterday morning while on exchanges we were able to make the time to call several of our investigators in Kakata to see how things were going with their preparations for baptism on Saturday. Let me remind you it has been a little stressful this week because as of Sunday the Elders there still hadn't been by to see them and well, they are getting baptized this Saturday. When we had called President Harmon on Sunday he mentioned that the Elders weren't too worried meeting with the people we have been working with. Which is great, but we don't always have the time to call them, and they cannot be baptized unless the Elders have met with them. We recognized that all things are in the hands of the Lord, that is something we must trust in. And have faith in what He is doing. Sure enough, we called them yesterday and they are doing just fine. We called Gaiduwo and she was in the middle of the market and so we could barely hear her but we asked how things have been and she replies by saying "just fine". Gaiduwo mentioned that she met with the Elders on Tuesday and then earlier in the day on Thursday. She said "We talked about The Book of Mormon and Baptism", and that she is getting baptized on Saturday morning. She said, "I just came from the church from my interview for my baptism on Saturday." We asked if she was excited and she was like "yahh!" She giggled and was like, "Yes, I'm excited to be baptized." She has waited a year and a half for her baptism. It's hard to believe that it is actually happening tomorrow.
Christmas presents for all
the Sisters on the Square!
We then had the opportunity to call Siannes to see how she was doing and if the missionaries were able to come by. She mentioned that they have come by twice this week as well and that they talked to her about Joseph Smith, Prophets, The Book of Mormon, and The Plan of Salvation. We asked if they talked about the baptism and she said, "Yes. I'm getting baptized on Saturday." We asked when she was getting baptized and she said she is getting baptized at 10 AM on Saturday morning. She is really excited to be baptized. She has a little girl who is about 18 months old named Comfor. It brings a smile to our face knowing that this little girl is going to grow up with the gospel firmly rooted within her home. She may not have the best living conditions but she has a mom who's testimony is firmly rooted in the Gospel. She is a faithful woman, devoted to doing the Lord's will. Siannes is a Daughter of God who understands who she is and knows the only thing of value is the Gospel. My testimony is edified each week as I hear the power that comes as she boldly declares and testifies to me what she knows to be true. It causes us to reflect on our standing within the Lord's church. Are we faithfully and firmly rooted within his Gospel? Are our hearts set on the correct course that will bring us back to him?
Christmas on the Square
We are excited for each of them and for the fact that they will be able to finally make this covenant with their Father in Heaven. The Baptism will be this Saturday. We don't know the exact number of how many people will be baptized. We will know more on Sunday when we call President Harmon. Last we heard it was going to be 15 this weekend and then 15 on the 15th of this month. In regards to Skyping the baptism, we won't be able to but that is okay. We wouldn't be able to anyways because the baptism is at 10 AM their time so 3 AM our time. We are just happy that the day they are looking forward to is finally arriving! Hopefully I will have pictures to send. President Harmon would like to send to me a picture of how he puts it "all the converts" before their baptism.
Sister Brooks and Sister Skaggs
and photobomber :)
This journey we have been on has been a humbling one, to see how the Lord will move mountains in all corners of the world to bring our Father in Heavens children the truth. Half of my mission has been teaching and serving these amazing people. Never did I think coming onto my mission that this would ever happen, being able to be used in bringing the gospel to the hearts of our Father in Heavens children to people who live thousands of miles away from me. We must never underestimate the Lord's plan for each of us.
This Journey:
Me and my comp -
Sister Tagliavia
Over the course of these 17 1/2 months that is one key thing I have learned. The importance of ALWAYS trusting in the Lord and his plan for us. When we seek to be diligent to his plan and listen to the simple whisperings of the spirit, we will find that the greatest joy we will ever experience can and will only come from following his plan. Will we slip up? Yes we will. That is where the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ comes into play. That is when we seek to make that change and ask for forgiveness. I have seen that play a vital role in my life over my mission as I have seen things of myself that I know I must change. It will only be done with his help. It is the simple phrase that my companion loves to say, "What lack I yet?".
At the start of 2016 I invite you to ask that simple phrase, "What lack I yet?" We are at the time when we are to see the vision for what the Lord sees us to be. With these next 365 days how will you allow the Lord's vision for you become a reality? With the Lord's help it can be accomplished.
And another one!
Know I love you and am eternally grateful for the privilege I have been given to be a missionary. It is by far the HARDEST thing I have ever done! But it is the MOST REWARDING thing. The purest joy comes from following our Savior Jesus Christ. That is what I have learned over the course of my mission. I'm grateful for the time I have left to seek to give him my all. My time in his service isn't over yet and I'm grateful for the extra time he is giving me.
A Week Coming to a Close:
More pics of me and my comp
I don't have much time left so I need to be brief with this. I feel I haven't shared with you much about what has been happening here. Earlier in the transfer I mentioned that the Lord extended to me the call to be a District Leader. With that responsibility comes the opportunity to go on exchanges with every sister in the district. It is one of my favorite parts of the transfer, because you have this one on one time with each sister to really work with them, to learn and to grow together and find ways to be more effective and to encourage them in areas that are most needed. For this transfer we felt that we needed to do 24 hours with one of the companionships. We usually will just do a 12 hour exchange here in this mission but we can go longer as the spirit directs. I had the consistent thought and feeling that 24 hours will be needed. Last night for New Years I was on 24 hours with Sister Brooks. It was actually really special to be with her to ring in the New Year. Since we are on Christmas Schedule still we are to be in bed at 11:45. So we just sat in bed and talked as we fell asleep and awaited till 12 to ring in the new year. Which consisted of "Happy New Year! Can you believe its 2016? Wow, that is crazy. Okay, it's 12:00 now. Goodnight."
Grateful for this week to have had the opportunity to be able to learn and grow from each of these sisters. It will be a great transfer. One that will be busy, but that is totally okay!
Here is a quote I would like to share: "Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice but a continuous commitment and way of life that applies at all times and in all places." Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Well, I love you each and hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2016 will be a year filled with becoming what the Lord envisions you to be and accomplish!

Love Always,
Sister Skaggs
Skyping with the family on
(this one was reluctantly put
in by Sis. Skaggs mom --
I look tired with those puffy
eyes and not even looking
at the right spot on the
computer! Sigh)
Grandma Susan showed
up while skyping with
the family so I got to
skype with her, too!