Yah, that's pretty much all I know besides my missionary purpose [in French]! But I'm getting there. Heavenly Father has other things he needs me to work on and learning French isn't necessarily the priority. It's really funny though because I can always pinpoint who is French!
The French flag |
We'll just be walking through the Square and in my mind I will be like "Oh, they are French." Five seconds later my companion says "Bonjour!!" and then before you know it they are having a conversation in French and I'm just standing there looking like a deer in the headlights hoping I can understand what is being said. But it's really neat because we do role plays every morning and we are really practicing on how we can be more balanced when it comes to giving our tours in French.
Yesterday we had a really neat experience. We were in the Tabernacle and my companion started speaking to two couples in French. I was getting slightly annoyed because I strongly dislike not knowing what's happening. But then my companion translated to me "They don't understand why if God loves us so much why he allows people to just suffer. Why would a God who loves his children allow them to all suffer?" HAHA...little did they know I was just going through this. It was super neat because it was exactly what I could testify on and it was exactly what I was experiencing. I was able to testify to them on how suffering is a blessing. That when we suffer, when we experience trials and adversity it's because our Heavenly Father wants to see us grow. He loves us so much that He wants to see us grow, he wants us to achieve our potential. The only way that is possible is if we are given trials to help us learn and to grow. I was able to explain that these past couple of weeks I have experienced sooo many trials, more than I thought I could ever handle. But that it was just a blessing, my Heavenly Father didn't want me to suffer but He wanted me to learn and to grow, to become the missionary he needs me to be. The couples afterwards saw a different light on it. It was neat for me personally because I was able to share with them something that I knew to be true. Even though I was speaking in a language they didn't fully understand they were able to still feel of the spirit.
Yesterday we had a really neat experience. We were in the Tabernacle and my companion started speaking to two couples in French. I was getting slightly annoyed because I strongly dislike not knowing what's happening. But then my companion translated to me "They don't understand why if God loves us so much why he allows people to just suffer. Why would a God who loves his children allow them to all suffer?" HAHA...little did they know I was just going through this. It was super neat because it was exactly what I could testify on and it was exactly what I was experiencing. I was able to testify to them on how suffering is a blessing. That when we suffer, when we experience trials and adversity it's because our Heavenly Father wants to see us grow. He loves us so much that He wants to see us grow, he wants us to achieve our potential. The only way that is possible is if we are given trials to help us learn and to grow. I was able to explain that these past couple of weeks I have experienced sooo many trials, more than I thought I could ever handle. But that it was just a blessing, my Heavenly Father didn't want me to suffer but He wanted me to learn and to grow, to become the missionary he needs me to be. The couples afterwards saw a different light on it. It was neat for me personally because I was able to share with them something that I knew to be true. Even though I was speaking in a language they didn't fully understand they were able to still feel of the spirit.
Another similar experience happened with another family from France the other day as well. My companion was just speaking to them and I was completely zoning off, when out of nowhere she is like "Do you want to bear your testimony on how we can receive answers to our prays?" Apparently this family had prayed before but never received an answer. The thing that is really neat is you learn to lean on the spirit more than ever, because you have no idea what is being said, then you get asked a question and then you have a matter of seconds to listen to the spirit and reply back. Since I don't know what is being said I can't think beforehand what I want to say. Anyways, I started talking about how I prayed years ago to know how I could help Michael [my brother] out when he was being bullied at school and church. And how for months I never received an answer. Then one day I desperately pleaded for an answer asking for understanding on how I can help Michael. I proceeded to tell them that I was reminded of a verse from D&C 98:2. I told them that I was reminded that I must be patient on the Lord and his timing, that He will answer us but that it's His will. I told them that months later I received an answer that I was to just love him and to just be there for him. That was all my Heavenly Father needed me to do. Giving tours in different languages is challenging, but it's such a blessing!! It's neat to see that even though I'm speaking in a different language they can still feel the spirit, I love that I'm learning to just lean on the spirit and not on what I want to say.
I LOVE it here!! It's such a unique place and it's definitely a challenging mission but I love the things I am learning. I love the people that I get to meet on a daily basis and I love the things the people are teaching me.
One of my challenges....putting on a sweatshirt without catching it on my name tag! |
Just this morning I met such an amazing man!! Today was the first day he has been able to leave the hospital since getting a kidney transplant last week. 4 out of the 5 siblings flew in to be with him for the week as he was getting his transplant. The thing that was even more amazing was his younger sister was a perfect match for him. So they came to the Square this morning to get fresh air. We started talking to him and he was saying that he was so grateful for the gospel. That it's because of the gospel in his life that he has more comfort and support. He has gone through so much in his life but he is still so happy. His wife, 14 years ago, was in an accident and became paralyzed from the neck down. But he was just so positive about everything. He mentioned his mission and how he served in the Ventura, CA mission. He was mentioning the blessing it was to serve a mission. He said, "Thank you so much for serving a mission, for the faith you have to come out here. Your parents must be so proud of you. I'm grateful for the faith your parents have to send you out on a mission. It goes by so fast. You're going to want to stay. Thank you so much." Here this man just one week ago underwent a kidney transplant, his wife is paralyzed and he has experienced so many more trials and yet he was thanking us for what we are doing. He was sharing with us his testimony of the gospel. I hope someday I can be grateful like this man was towards life, trials and the gospel. We take advantage far too often for the things we have. Meeting this man and his story is just a fragment of the stories and things I see everyday here. I love being a missionary and I love this gospel!
My companion is amazing! She is the most loving, kind hearted, and service oriented person I know! Literally everyday is a new day with her. I love being with her! She is always finding new ways to serve me. I'm starting to feel bad because I can't keep up with her!!
EVERY NIGHT when we go back to the apartment she makes me the MOST AMAZING pancakes!!
Burnt or not, they are delicious! |
Whole wheat pancakes with honey is to die for!! I can never go back to regular pancakes! My kids, someday, are going to hate me cause that will be the main staple for breakfast in my house. Hahaha -- do I care? Not really -- it's good and healthy!! I can taste them in my mouth as I type this right now!
These whole wheat pancakes are the best! |
I burned them while I was saying my prayers... |
Everyday she is like "You're so good, I'm going to make you pancakes tonight!" Hey, I don't complain, that's for sure. She is always asking "How can I help you in the morning?" or "What can I do to help you be a better missionary?" "What am I doing wrong that will help you be better?" She amazes me everyday!! Ohh and I'm learning to be HEALTHY!! My new favorite snack is Nature Valley Blueberry Breakfast Bars dipped in Almond Milk. And did I mention Almond Milk is sooo good! Where has it been all my life?! Oreo's and milk are nasty compared to the breakfast bars with Almond Milk. We had it last night. Yah, I kind of had 8 bars. Don't judge me... I was hungry! I can't believe I'm becoming healthy...
I can't believe I'm going to admit this but I love working out now! Did I really just say that??? Every morning it's mandatory to workout for 30 minutes. We usually run or go to a nearby track. Just depends. But it feels so good! And I actually have more energy to get through my day. This morning when I was getting ready I'm like "I'm excited for tomorrow I get to work out again. Haha. My parents are going to laugh today when they hear I'm excited to work out." It's also super neat because we get to see the Temple EVERY morning when we workout!
The Schedule is actually getting pretty easy. My alarm goes off at 6:15 and I immediately get up and start my day. And going to bed at 10:15 isn't that hard as well. When you tell yourself it's easy and when you make the effort Heavenly Father really does help you!
The funny thing about this mission is 19 year olds are a minority. MAJORITY of the sisters here are older than 21. Most of them are between the age of 21-26. I know several who are 28 and then another sister is in her late 30's. It's funny because I feel like most of the other missions just have 19-21 year old sisters and then here we have like NO 19 year old sisters. We are an old mission. [She better watch who she's calling OLD, right?] Right now I'm the second youngest but in 3 weeks I wont be anymore!!
Mom, your cookies are to die for!!
I have one left now! Every sister was wanting more! They were like "Can your mom make this a weekly thing." I'm like "Haha. Making cookies for 180 sisters a week? Yah, that's going to be costly with shipping." Could I get the recipe?? But if you are ever bored....there are 180 sisters who would love to get cookies! [Looks like I'll be busy making cookies now, huh?] Oh, Sister Desjourdy asked if she could get cookies especially for her, for her birthday in 3 weeks. [Shhh.....don't tell Jennifer but I think I'll make those cookies for Sis. Desjourdy!] LOL gotta love her! She is obsessed with your cookies. THANK YOU times a million for sending the package and cookies!! Love you mom!! You're the best mom in the world, even if you didn't send cookies!
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Mom's cookies!!! |
One thing that is super neat about here is we get to go to Music and the Spoken Word once a transfer.
So this Sunday Sister Casagrande and I went. It was the last Sunday they were holding it in the Conference Center since summer is coming to an end. So we decided we would go see it. I love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! If you have never seen Music and The Spoken Word I STRONGLY encourage you to watch it!! Oh, so embarrassing story....we were going to sit down in our seats and as we were walking in front of this couple in the row, I tripped over my companions foot and pretty much fell on this ladies lap. Yah, it was embarrassing, especially being a sister missionary!
Music and the Spoken Word |
The thing that I find really interesting about a mission is just how easy it has been so far, well for the most part, to let go of the things that we have been asked to give up. Getting rid of my phone hasn't been hard. Getting rid of the things that I used to be addicted to - aka gum hasn't been hard and my addiction to IN-N-OUT hasn't been hard.
My In-N-Out days with the gang |
I'm not going to lie, not knowing what is going on in the world has been a struggle. We have no clue what's happening out in the world. If you asked me "What's happening in the world right now?" I would say "Ummm, we have 88,000 missionaries sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. That's what's happening in the world." I have heard through the grapevine tid bits of what's happening. But I'm coming to realize that not knowing is such a blessing!! You know, I have no need to know. My time is with the Lord right now. I shouldn't be worrying about what's happening, but worrying about preparing His children. You know he has trusted me enough, and all of my friends as well, to send us out on missions to help his children come home and if I get so distracted with whats happening in society I'm going to miss an opportunity to help a child of His. Also, I feel so depressed, too, when I hear from the people all the disasters etc. that's happening around the world.
The one thing I know though to be true is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!! I'm so grateful for this opportunity I have been given to share His gospel to the world! For the 18 months I have been given to completely put everything aside to just serve Him and his children. This gospel is so amazing! I feel so blessed to have it in my life! To have an understanding of who I am, and an understanding of my purpose as a daughter of God! I know with my whole heart that this gospel truly is true! If it wasn't true I would not be giving up my whole life for 18 months to serve my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ!!
I love you all so much! I feel so blessed to have such amazing examples in my life!! Hope EVERYONE is doing well! I know ALOT is happening right now around the world, I'm not that clueless even though I should be. Just remember to stay close to the gospel of Jesus Christ. As you do so everything will be okay, I promise! Just stay true to who you are, and stay true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as you do so everything will be okay. Happiness, true happiness, comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Sister Skaggs!!